Thursday, August 7, 2014

30/31 Week Combo

Holy Smokes 30 weeks seems so far into this thing! And what a week it was!! Baby J enjoyed a week in NOLA, we had our first Birthbootcamp Class, and 30 week check up (sono included)! My o'my what we learned at this checkup...
Here are the cliff notes on our sweet baby boy:
- He was weighing in at 4lbs 4oz
- He is measuring in the 89% percentile (taking after Uncle PJ & Daddy)
- He is still a boy (Ruthie Poothie)
- We are having a bonus sono at 36 weeks to determine where he is then. Dr. J may want to induce early (more thoughts on that below).
- Our boy has a head full of lots of hair already!!! (taking after mommy)
- He likes to put his foot in my right ribs. Especially when he is hungry (note the picture below).
- We have officially moved to check ups every 2 weeks. This is real y'all!
- We had our NOLA baby shower and could not be more grateful for all the love in this babies life. He has no idea yet, but man is this kid loved. It was an amazing day full of friends and family and we couldn't say thank you enough!!
- We asked Lauren and Patrick to be god parents!! They both were thrilled, it was an amazing experience!

Baby J's sweet little foot in mommies rib. Thank you son!

I apologize for the nudity here, but how funny that the sono tech wrote "Still A Boy" I couldn't help but laugh.

Thoughts on the possibility of inducing early... I know they are premature thoughts because we wont know for a few weeks here. But I am torn. Is he really gonna be huge or is this just a big baby scare? If I don't induce early will he be to big for me to deliver naturally? If I do induce is that okay? What if he wasn't ready yet? I have many questions like this...I am not worried because I know that everything works out how it is supposed too, just things I am thinking. I definitely need to talk to Dr. J some more and get the skinny!

Here are a list of things we discussed at Bootcamp that can all help with natural labor! I had to keep it for recall purposes of course!

Nursery Updates: 
Lots of exciting things to report here!! Many of the decor things I wanted to accomplish we did! We are having a baby BBQ this weekend at the house for our Dallas peeps and I wanted to have more done for Baby J! Fortunately my HubsMan is a big ole trooper and loves me to pieces because he has done a project a night this week. Sweet man! We have:
- The curtains hung
- Book shelves spray painted and hung. With books on them might I add (thank you baby shower)
- Alphabet spray painted. modge podged, and hung!
- Baby J's blue gingham chair put together
- A small lamp table next to the rocker (thank you sista for the wedding donation)
- Finally bought a crib mattress and the closet door organizational things, among other baby things (thank you so much generous daddy who is already spoiling his grandson)

I swear the letters are navy and scrapbook paper. They just look black in photos. Alsooo we have since bought a changing pad cover!

Yay curtains! Again, they are navy and not black! And don't worry kids, the crib now has a mattress. I will put a crib photo in a later post!

Book shelves (Ikea spice racks spray painted navy) and Baby J's chair. I would have loved to get it monogrammed, but that would mean telling the name...Shhhh It is a secret! Books! Thank you NOLA frands and fam!

Pregnancy Stats:
Week: 31 weeks!

Weight Gain: I will let y'all know that I have officially hit the 30lb weight gain... I told myself I did not want to gain more than 40 (45 at the most). So I hope this stays true. I know that my body is meant to do as it pleases so I wont allow myself to make it a negative, no matter what. 

Maternity Clothes: Same ole same ole... however my three pairs of non maternity workout pants are getting a wee bit snug.

Wedding Ring On/Off: On 

Sleeping: Pretty well! Cant complain.... My hips fall a sleep when I stay on one side too long. But that is small change!

Weekly Highlight: My daddy is here for a few days!!! SO.EXCITED! 

Stretch Marks: Unfortunately I believe that my first ones are making their appearance. Only on the right side of my belly button. They are small so I am hoping it is a fluke. I've been lathering Palmers and Burts Bees on!

Cravings/Food Things: Not the one!

Labor Signs: Nope. Thank you baby! I know that I have entered the window of Braxton Hicks, so here is hoping we don't have those.

Missing Anything In Particular This Week: Being able to bend over without a belly in the way. It is making many yoga poses very tricky. But I love my belly and my baby so when I find myself not being able to get into a pose and feel it as I want I just remind myself it is all for this beautiful baby boy. 

Weekly Mood: Super Happy! We have gotten so many baby related things accomplished this week! (more deets above)

Whatcha Looking Forward Too: Bootcamp tonight!!! And our baby BBQ this weekend. We wanted to celebrate with our Dallas peeps, so what better than beer and a casual bbq!?!

Workout This Week: Yoga and walks!!!

Now that looks like a preggies belly to me! Holy Moly it is growing!

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