Tuesday, July 14, 2015

9 Months

A few fun things in the 9th Month:
- Harrison has learned how to create a creepy baby gremlin sound.... I am sad to say I cannot find the video
- He has begun to learn how to self feed with a fork
- H clapped for the first time on 6/20 when we were helping Christina and Ryan unpack at their new house! He also attempted to eat a june bug, but whats more exciting? let's be real!
- He is walking with a walker and is an expert at pulling himself up and walking along furniture. He is not brave enough yet to walk sans help. 
-He will balance for a few seconds without holding on, then squats down like...whah what happened! 
- We have discovered the stairs, but aren't confident enough to climb them... yet (see video below)

Friday June 26th
Harrison Drinks From The Weighted Straw Cup
What?!?! I have only been trying for months for him to drink from the straw cup and he only bites it. I step out for an hour to get a much needed pedicure and he does it for his daddy! It is very exciting all around! I am quite impressed by this little booger. Now we just need to see if that translates across all the other straws. (side note: he did drink kefir from a straw cup for me the other day, but Christopher got water, so that is a real win!)

Our Journey of Breast Feeding 
This month has been pretty focused on my milk supply. It is not a very exciting story and really isn't about Harrison so much as it is about me. But I will share for those interested. I have experienced the biggest dip in my supply to date. It does not affect Harrison's actual nursing, he seems perfectly satisfied the 2-3x he nurses. It does however affect my ability to make enough for his one expressed bottle before bed. I am having a hard time deciding which route to go here because the bottle has become a huge part of his bedtime routine and I am not willing sacrifice it. I have frozen milk to use and will use it, but when that is gone is where my problem begins. We meet with the pediatrician tomorrow for his 9m check up and I am going to explore options with him and see. I can get a a few ounces a day (including 2am pumps), but it is not the complete 5oz he needs for his bottle. And this 5oz has dropped down from the 9oz he was taking. Phew! I am pretty sure if I let him H would stop nursing all together and just eat solids. However we are going to make it to a year then reevaluate if we continue on. It amazes me how far we have come in such a frustrating, exhausting, incredible, and rewarding experience. I often find myself thinking, "why do I chose to put myself and my body through this (I haven't dieted and have had to be careful with my exercise intensity because I very quickly have dips in my supply when I do). So that has really stunk too. But I tell myself, this is not for ever, I am feeding my baby right now and taking it a day at a time. I am so proud of the journey we have taken and am grateful we have made it this far. My new motto is to just take it one day at a time, and if we are faced with the "drought of breast milk" we will face that when/if it happens. 

Liuzza's Trip to the Emergency Vet 
July 4th, 2015
Liuzza chose to enjoy the 4th of July at the emergency vet in Vicksburg! The silly little pup found some sharp rusty thing to cut her chest open. Muscle exposed. quite gross. she survived. We were so lucky! It could have been so much worse. She is a trooper and awesome and has no idea she got hurt. The knuckle head was trying to play with the vet when she got to the vet!

9 Month CheckUp Stats:
- 21lbs 1oz (60%)
- 29.5 inches long (90%)
- Head circumference is 18cm
- Harrison has official learned "mama" and "dada" however the manor in which he uses them changes with his mood.
- He was off the charts on his gross motor test and passed with flying colors

Somehow this month has gotten away from me and the details are not as detailed..... I hope you find this post satisfying with its lack of information and excitingness!

I am just gonna kiss dis baby 

artsy fartsy

I learned to clap! (right after I ate a June Bug!)

swoon! My world in one photo!

I got dis mommy, I am a big boy

First successful straw cup usage!

night night baby, happy puppy


1st time in the actual lake!

1st shoulder ride from Chong

The excellent patient leaving her overnight stay

Cuzzy matchey photoshoot. holy cuteness! Missing Lily!

Man car rides are ruff

Some silliness post a 5.5hr car ride

sleepy dude, I could watch you forever. And you look like your daddy bunches here!

Early morning swings

puppy McConeHead

Besties being matchy and cute

H is Obsessed with this tunnel at Lifetime!

I found the stairs. oh wait I don't know how this works. on to the next thing. 

He LOVES to eat a whole peach or nectarine!