Thursday, November 16, 2017

August & September 2017


Phew, this summer was no joke y'all. Hands down the hardest summer of my life. I know there is so much excitement with summer and kids and all the summer fun - for us right now at these ages, summer is incredibly exhausting. We really spent this summer learning and growing as a family. Although this will be remembered as the hardest summer to date, I am so very grateful for it. This summer really opened our eyes and showed us how to fully appreciate our boys for exactly who they are. To really spend quality time as a family. To not get so caught up in the go go of everyday life. This summer was incredibly challenging and eye opening and so many other emotions.

It is no secret that Harrison has been an incredibly difficult 2 year old. We have a theory that his little brain is beyond his little 2 year old self and he just has so much disregulation when it comes to his emotions, his comprehension, his understanding, his vocabulary, his size, there are so many parts and they didn't quite align. We truly spent the bulk of the summer helping him align them. We spent the summer learning how to best help him, what he needs, how he learnes, how he is best responded too, all of that jazz. We by no means have a full grasp on life with Harrison, but we are much better equipped now, thanks to taking a step back and really seeing our baby for who he is. We have come so far in controlling our impulses and thinking about how our choices affect others. He still has days and moments, who doesn't? But overall we have seen a growth from him that has been so rewarding and heartwarming. School starts back after Labor Day we last minute decided to add him to 4 days rather than 2. He will be going to school M-Th 9-2. We are playing the first few weeks by ear to see how he does. My only concern is that he burns out by the end of the week. He doesn't nap anymore, if he does it is one random day every few weeks. So I worry he won't have rest or downtime at school. We will leave the decision up to his teachers and going to keep track on the home end as well.

  • Somethings we have learned about Harrison's needs and the things that help him thrive: 
    • If we make 1-1 time each day, his days are much better. He seems to really need that solo time with Chris & myself. We have made a special area in our Harry Potter closet that is designated to special time activities. Harrison gets to go and choose something for us to do. The bonus to him not napping is that we have time with him while Douglas finishes his nap. We do have Harrison rest for 30-60m depending on how compliant he is that day. 
    • Positivity is the way to his heart. The more negative we are the less he hears and responds. He truly thrives when we focus on everything he is doing right and how great his choices are. When we spend too much energy focusing on what he's doing wrong he either shuts us out or he continues to do what we don't want him to do. The biggest changes we have seen here is his ability to go around Douglas and not knock him over every chance he got. We are not perfect remember, we have our moments, but they seem more play related these days and not just because. 
    • He needs mental and physical stimulation. He is very easily bored. 
    • On the flip side he is over stimulated and gets too excited. We have to take breaks to stop and be calm or have a snack and water. This is really where our role as parents comes in. When we start seeing the signs, we step back and asses. We have actually seen him realize when he's had enough on occasion and we head home. 
This little buddy has just blossomed this month. He has fully transferred over from baby to toddler. It's been pretty amazing to witness. His vocabulary continues to blow me out of the water. He really is speaking in sentences now and communicating what he needs and wants. We are very much working with him on using his words rather than a high pitched scream or crying. Its been really helpful for him and Harrison that he will say "no" or "no thank you." We are working with him on saying, "I don't like that." He, very much like his brother, rises to the challenges we place before him. It has been really amazing to watch. Harrison always seemed to have an advanced vocabulary, I wasn't expecting Douglas to follow suit. I figured second kid would be spoken for more often than not. We are seeing a little bit of that here and there, but overall not really. Harrison is respectful of letting Douglas speak. We are at the same time teaching Harrison to hear Doulgas's sounds and words. They like to wrestle and play and we want to allow them to figure out their relationship, but also need them to respect each other when one has had enough. We are walking this fine line of you are both still so little, but also we want you to be able to work together to figure things out. How much help do we give? How much do we back off? The questions continue....


Oh September! You greeted us with the long awaited start of school! Yay! Harrison is showing more apprehension this year with school. But to be fair with the start of school we met our very first sickness. When I say very first I mean first, like never even a cold. We jumped two feet in with croup. Yay! It was a super scary Monday morning (9.11) when Harrison woke up and could barely breath. We got a few days worth of a steroid drink and was a total champ. I really and truly cannot omcplain with this one guys, we really lucked out. I pray and hope that we don't get it again, because th beauty of croup is once you get it you almost always get it again and again :( . Horrors. I am not excited about this. A week to the day later (9.18) Douglas has more mild signs of croup. We haven't taken him in because his seems mostly to be cough and he is handling it okay. We are just on watch. They only create croup when it gets into the scry breathing like Harrison had. So here we go, round 2, lets hop it is gone gone gone after this. This mama is sleepy!

School Round Up
- Harrison is a little less excited about school this year, but really hasn't had a chance for the consistency yet. He is set to go 4 days a week and has only been 1-2 day each week so far. Here is hoping week 3 brings a full week and we can really see how he does. The teachers said he rests for a little then goose a buggy ride or to the clubhouse. I am hoping that he wont be crazy overdone by the end of the week, if he is, we will have to come up with another solution. I am not sure what that is, but I am thinking!
- Douglas cried the first 3 days at drop off, but stops within 30 seconds of me leaving the room. He's been great. The teachers are already in love with him and he's adorable. He has taken 1hr naps at school and definitely tired as the evening goes on. But we are back to early bedtimes of 645/7.

- Wow, this kids vocabulary is crazy. He is fully speaking sentences now. It is amazing. He is saying things like; "hold you mommy" "oofi/woody show." "Harrison/mommy/daddy go?" "no" "ow" "uh huh" "Haysin" "Love you mommy" "Binkdy" "Wovey" "oh no" "up please" "water please" "i got it"
- Honestly he says everything that he can, he repeats and then has a huge vocab. I continue to be shocked
- Characters: Oofi, Momold, Woody, Yessie, Minnee, Meekey, Dayshe, Eeet, T-rex, Pluto, Peppa, Georjjj, BeBe Elephant, The list goes on
- His need to be older than he is is amazing and annoying. He wants to do and thinks he can do anything Harrison does. I like to let him, but then sometimes it is more work for me. He current battle is that he wants to sit on the bench too eat, not his high chair. This is think can officially be called the first battle in parenting that we lost. He sits on the bench, and he does great. He knows "bottom or knees" are his choices. But he absolutely doesn't eat as well.
- We sort of have been in this funky sleep since a little before 18m. I do not know what is up. He wakes up and calls for me throughout the night a few times, but goes right back to sleep, so I almost never go in. But this early morning waking anywhere from 430 on is horrible. I truly cannot figure out what is up or what to change. We have done an earlier bedtime, like both in bed and asleep mostly before 7. That helps bc he is at least getting more sleep, but he is still waking early. His naps have also shortened. It is pretty rare he takes a 2hr nap, mostly 1hr 15m to 1hr 30m. Again, I don't know whats up. We want to move the boys in together, but I am not gonna lie, I am scared. I worry that they are going to wake each other crazy early. We have to do it at some point, so we will just see how it goes. I know ew don't need too before the baby comes, but I know this is going to be big change for both, especially Douglas and I want to have things as normal as possible. I don't want them to be surprised.

- He is so incredibly kind and thoughtful. If someone is hurt he immediately asks where it hurts and then says "I will give it a kiss." It is really crazy how the same little bundle of sweetness cannot seem to stop tackling his brother.
- We have definitely seen such a personality as we get closer to 3 - as in 30 day countdown, anyone anyone!?!? He's always been silly and had a lot of traits that are consistent. But it is almost like he now is turning into his big kid self. I am not sure if that makes sense. But every day I see less and less of the baby and toddler in him and more and more of the little kid. Or if you ask him, big boy. I think 3 is going to be really fun!
- It is not secret that the 2's have been chock full of exhaustion and just trying to make it through the day and get a handle on whatever is happening. We see less and less of that, but it still happens. He is more aware of his actions and the result they have on others, but there are still things that happen.
- I think 3 is going to be a lot about learning to control emotions. He has never been an emotional kid, but the closer we get to turn gin 3 the more whiney and emotional he seems to get. We have been playing around with some tools to help him learn to regulate his emotions.

(I had every intention to add pictures, maybe one of these months I will get it done early on and not months later)!