Friday, April 24, 2015

One Day (Today) I Woke Up and My Baby was Already 6 Months!!!

Wow when they tell you to enjoy every moment because it goes fast, they don't lie! I remember thinking, "uh huh I am really enjoying these late nights of never sleeping more than a few hour stretches" "yeah sure I am gonna miss this feeling of frustration because I just don't know what he wants!" But let me tell you folks, I stand corrected. Those long nights with night feedings full of sweet sleepy baby snuggles and those days of frustration when all he really wanted was to be held and worn by mommy. Those days are what they are talking about, but we get so caught up in the "negative" and exhausting aspects of having a new baby that it is only when we look back that we can really see the sweetness that was overshadowed. I know for my next baby I will need that same reminder, I just hope that I listen this time. Every age has been so fun in a brand new way! Each month has had its challenges, joys, amazement's, love, and sweetness. It is so hard to put into words how much these short months have shaped me and forever changed who I am. I cannot wait to see what the future brings for our family, but I am trying very hard to focus on the presents current gifts. I don't want to look back and wish I appreciated XYZ more. I want to be in the moment enjoying every part of it, the good-bad-and ugly!

Now on to what you really here for..... the 6 month update on sweet Harrison!

- We are 2.2 seconds away from having a crawler on out hands. He gets up on hands and knees and rocks but cannot figure out how to move his arms. The end result a nice little face plant. Good thing he is tough. We seem to be in for a little daredevil on our hands because he appears to feel no pain...
- He is a very mobile little monster. As in he is not to be trusted unsupervised. I made that mistake and he ended up under the couch. He was quite the happy little bear under the couch, but under the couch he was!
- Everything is a teething toy! He new favorite is the edge of the foam mat. See video below. Speaking of the foam mat, lets be real, it's only purpose is to house his toys because he never stays on it for more than two seconds. Well now it appears the foam mats second purpose is teething. Okay so it does have a purpose, I stand corrected.
- Harrison can be found baby planking quite often. I am pretty sure he could out plank me... it is quite sad on my part
- He loves our daily walks and is always amused by Liuzza and her antics.
- Light up toys and musical toys seem to draw him in
- He still hates his car seat. So car rides are always a ton of fun
- He loves swim and is being kicked up to the big kids class in June. Head under water time!!! I am so excited!!!!
- Little Gym is just as fun as always and he is constantly impressing everyone with his strength
- We have been attempting to work on a daily schedule. But it really depends on when he wakes up. I keep aiming for a 9/10am nap then a 2/3pm nap. And a cat nap if it is needed. He will have some 12 hour nights, but mostly he likes that 11.5 hour stretch of sleep.

- We started solids. WE.STARTED.SOLIDS!
Soooooo we decided we were going to go the Baby Led Weaning approach. Where basically you give the babe manageable food chunks and let them figure it out! Welllll to say his first night was interesting was an understatement! haha! I do not know if it was the result of acing his 6m shots and being sleepy because he didn't take an afternoon or just food in general, but he was unimpressed by food. We began with avocado, sweet potato, carrots, and broccoli. He touched everything and put it in his mouth but was pretty much not a fan. Okay message received son we will try again later. Well we did! Basically everyday I (we when Christopher is home) sit down with him and give him some food. Sometimes right off our plate other times it is steamed or roasted veggies I have in the fridge for him.
So far we have tried:
whole fat greek yogurt, oatmeal (with a variety of things in it- peanut butter, almond, raisins, chia seeds, flax seed, milk, water...), shredded cheddar cheese, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli, cucumber, white beans, hummus, pumpernickel bread, & pita bread. These are all I can think of. I think I have it all!
We LOVES yogurt and green beans and carrots
He hates broccoli
Everything else he likes

I would say that is a huge success since we are only 5 days in!

I will continue to keep everyone updated! It is so fun to watch him learn these new tastes and textures!! I have a bunch of videos and pictures... duh!

New favorite toy...the foam mat

1st Rangers game

I am mobile,you can't contain me!


Loving solids

photo shoot

Avocado, Sweet potato, & yogurt
Disclaimer: I actually wrote this before he turned 6m. The night before. But I kept forgetting to upload photos and post it... womp womp