Monday, December 28, 2015

Slow Down Mummy....

Soooo A while back my friend Kellie texted this incredibly sweet reminder to essntialy "stop & smell the roses." It is a poem by R. Night and here it is:

Slow down mummy, There is no need to rush
Slow down mummy, what is all the fuss?
Slow down mummy, make yourself a cup of tea.
Slow down mummy, come spend some time with me.
Slow down mummy,  lets pull boots on for a walk, lets kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
Slow down mummy, you look ever so tired, come and sit and snuggle under the duvet, and rest with me for a while.
Slow down mummy, those dirty dishes can wait, Slow down mummy, lets have some fun - bake a cake!
Slow down mummy, I know you work a lot, but sometimes mummy, its nice when you just stop.
Sit with us a minute,
and listen to our day,
spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood won't stay.

Y'all. This poem really sticks with me. It is constantly popping into my mind at random times just when I need it. It always brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart. It paints a very sweet picture of just how to enjoy those moments with your babies. Yes you will always make more memories but they will never be as young, innocent, or little as they are right this second.

I very much had a moment like this today and that is what sparked this post and then reminded me that my baby boy is 14 months old today!

Harrison has been up and down with sleep for the last week thanks to the bottom molars making their appearance. Knock on wood it has not been an awful ride, but he hasn't been quiet himself. Anyway today he woke up after an hour and 15 minutes of nap (he is a solid 2 hour napper). I found myself getting frustrated as I watched him on the monitor, pleading with him, "just lay back down and settle in." He did not. After 5 minutes of sitting and crying and staring at the door I decided he may just need me. he may not. but I went in anyway. As soon as I picked him up he snuggled his head into my neck and stopped crying. He just wanted mommy, he just wanted to be held. So I sat in the rocker and held my baby as he slept for another 30 minutes to round out his nap. For the first 5 minutes I thought, "I need to be folding laundry, washing dishes, getting things ready for book club (which I am hosting in a few short hours), and the list goes on."

Well then, just when I most needed it, that sweet poem popped into my mind. It reminded me that he will not always want to snuggle me. Lets be real, he rarely sits still enough for a hug. So I am going to sit here as long as he wants. No matter how bad my back hurts, no matter that my arm is falling asleep, no matter that my neck is sweating where his sweet head rests, & mostly no matter that the world keeps turning as we just sit. I made a vow to myself, which is not always easy to keep.

Friday, December 4, 2015

13 Months (Toddler Life) & 27 weeks (pregnancy life)

It is hard to believe that I have a toddler! I still find myself in awe from time to time. However emotional the life of a toddler is, it is that much more amazing and excitement. Everything seems to be a new discovery, a new skill, a new adventure. Don't get me wrong having a toddler (who I will forever call my baby) is a headache and handful in itself. The things that Harrison gets into blows my mind. We were very strategic in planning for a baby when we bought furniture and such. So we have since changed out outlet covers and baby proofed certain drawers and cabinets. But I feel very strongly that I want H to have as much freedom (in the safest way possible of course) as we can give him. We have a few "open" cabinets and drawers that contain nothing harmful. But it is exhausting to constantly have brushes or cutting boards strewn across your house. Because naturally we can't contain the fun to one area. So I have adopted the motto of leave it until the end of the day or pick it up as I go, depending on how pregnant I feel at the moment. He will help clean up to an extent and really enjoys being a helper. But the process of a getting something 100% clean has not sunken in for him yet.
The most amazingly frustrating and amazingly incredible part of having a toddler is their communication. H wants to and does tell you exactly what he wants. He has so many "words" some of which you know, most of which you don't. We are walking a tightrope, if you will, when it comes to communication these days. We strive to give Harrison has many words as we can. We want to help him walk though his emotions and support him when he is angry, upset, & frustrated. So everyday we work together as a family to help our son communicate with words and signs rather than whines and temper tantrums. Sometimes we succeed and other times not so much. But we have seen such a growth in his vocabulary and communication so something must be clicking!

Some of Harrison's communication words/signs are:
- Water = "wuh"
- More = quick claps
- Up = reaching or "puh" (we are really trying to stress this on instead of whining and reaching)
- Eat = hand to mouth
- Milk = "muh" "mmmm" or opening and closing fist
- Puppy = puppa
- Daddy = Dada or Da
- Mommy = Ma or Mama or Mameee

He also says "me me me" mostly when he is complaining and "no" we are not sure he really knows what no means. However he will put a piece of food up to Liuzza's nose and say "no no no"

Baby J #2 update!

Woah, 27 weeks! I can't believe it! I will be honest with y'all, this week I have legit felt pregnant too. I haven't been feeling pregnant and all of a sudden bam, I feel it. I am hoping it is just due to our being out of town and not sleeping well and having to keep up with H as well as traveling. I also have not been to yoga in a week. But I am definitely needing to embrace the comfy pregnancy pants and stop trying to squeeze into my sweat pants. I for sure looks ay more pregnant with this one. I go this week for my 28 week checkup and I think this may be my last 4week gap and then we move to 2weeks between apts. Crazy! I imagine we set up a date for my c section soon. Not gonna lie I am not looking forward to this.... The idea of choosing my baby's birthday just seems to bizarre to me. I sort of hope we just go due date and thats that. It is on my agenda to get the house in shape and go to be early every night as well as get in as many yoga classes and walks as I can. Hoping that will return to be to my "pregnant, but don't feel super pregnant" state!

Pregnancy goal: conduct my own yin practice at home. Even if it is just 10-20m and a few poses. I need to get back to moving everyday like I did with H. I just need to make the time now that I had so freely before. :)

side note.... since typing the above I am now 28 weeks and have officially popped! whah nelly!
when food gets so fun it is on your forehead

byes going on a trip!

seriously. this. was.all.for. Thanksgivmikah

Mexican family night out to diner! Got to meet cousin Eloise!

gobble gobble 


When you have an aspiring chef on your hands...

oh christmas tree! Picking out our tree

28 weeks what!?!

broom obseesed 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I blinked and it was 365 days later!

Happy first birthday to the sweetest HarBear I have ever known!

A little letter to our little boy:

Darling Harrison,
Words cannot describe how much we love you. It has been an amazing year full of love, tears (you and mommy), laughs, falls, bumps & bruises, hugs, kisses, 4 bloody noses (all you my dear boy), love (so much love), learning, life lessons, compromise, adaptability, travel, family, love, high fives, snuggles, frustration, joy, love, and so much more. We could not sum up in a short note just how much this year has meant to us. You made us a mommy and daddy and that is something no one else can do. We could not have asked for a more amazing, smart, gentle, loving, rough & tumble, and sweet boy. We are so lucky you picked us to be your parents because our lives are forever changed thanks to you. We have had to much fun in this short year and cannot wait to make so many more memories with you. Know that we are always here, always here for you. No matter what happens your mommy and your daddy love you so much and support you. We are your number one fans my little love! We cannot wait to see what amazing things you will continue to bring to this world. There are big things ahead for you my sweet, big things! Happy first birthday Harrison Edmund Janes, we love you more than there are words.
Mommy, Daddy, Liuzza, & Baby J

1 Year Tricks & Fun:
- Touchdown
- Clapping
- Saying hello to Harrison (he waves to himself, open and closing his hand)
- Blowing Kisses
- Blowing air, which then turns to blowing (spitting out) water, which leads to a soaking wet shirt and a silly happy baby

Random Information of this 12th month:
- Harrison has been sort of making the transition to one nap for a while now, but he hasn't quite been ready. I still think he is pretty young to really do one nap everyday. So for now we alternated between one and two depending on what the day has in store, what activities he has, any yoga class I can make, etc... So far this seems to be working well for us. The hardest days are when he takes a 1.5hr am nap from 9/930-1030/11 and then doe not take his second nap. He does great and doesn't fall apart like you'd expect. But I just hate how long he will be awake those days. We usually move bedtime up a little bit. He has been a pretty roll with the punches kind of dude and we are def grateful for that! If i had a perfect day of sleep for H it would be: wake a 7, nap 1130-130, bedtime at 7. Not too much to ask right? ;) Well our schedule these days is generally like this:
+ Wake between 6-630 (occasionally we will get a 645/7 wake up)
+ Pretends to nurse when he gets up, but would much rather play and eat solids
+ 7 breakfast
+ 8 walk the pup
+ on a 2 nap day nap 1 at 9/930 
+ lunch around 11 (on a two nap day lunch is often eaten on the go while shopping etc... bc this is our window of time to get things done)
+ on a one nap day nap 1130/12-1/130. He sticks more to a 1.5 hour nap rather than a 2. 
+ on a 2 nap day nap 2 at 2/230/3. If he hasn't gone to sleep by 315 I go and get him because I do not like him to sleep that close to 4. 
+ dinner is at 530
+ bath 6/615
+ expressed bottle 645ish 
+ book, song, (we need to start saying a night time prayer), in bed by 7. Then he determines what time he actually goes to sleep. but it is mostly between 7 & 715. 

I keep reminding myself that I need to write all of this stuff down because there is no way that I will remember it. And lets be real I am gonna need to look back to figure out what to do with #2. However I have already made a mental note that with #2 you have a lot less time to think through everything, a lot less time to create a perfect schedule, & a lot less time to obsess. So basically #2 gets to be even more go with the flow. As in you my sweet little love with like your carseat unlike your brother. Because I think you will be spending more time in said seat for naps and such. Just going from thoughts and other friends experiences  here.... Ill most definitely report back upon the little bundles arrival and fill you in.

Sweet little Harrison decided to wait until 6 days before the big day to turn those stepping legs into walking legs. On Thursday October 8th during our daily trip to the park to run the pup, Harrison walked. Chris stood him up like we normally do and off he went! He wanted the frisbee so he went for it. So exciting!! Since then he mostly crawls, but he will walk. He walks from things to and will walk when you put him down standing. I think he keeps trying to figure out how to get to standing without grabbing on to something. The end result is bear crawling, ha! He is so fun to watch and you can see how proud he gets of himself. I can't to continue to see him grow and change!

Baby J Update (20 weeks on Friday October 9th)
 If I am being honest I forget I am pregnant. Poor little love is already being forgotten. I know that sounds awful, and 100% am not actually forgetting about my child. It is just that with Harrison's pregnancy everything was so new, there was so much time to take it in, every kick, every "oh whats this?", every week. It was slow and there was time. It seems with this little bug I blink and I am already half way there. I still cherish every movement, every sonogram, every thought about my little little, but it is a different feeling this go round. I honestly sometimes find myself thinking I am pregnant with Harrison again. Super weird, I know, but maybe it is because it hasn't been that long, I just don't know. With that all being said, before I get daggers and the middle finger, I have had a very easy pregnancy. I cannot be more thankful that my body enjoys being pregnant and that is a gift I will always be grateful for. Am I more tired these days? well yes! do I go to sleep by 930 if I can help it? well yes! Am I hungry all day? double yes, thanks to nursing and being pregnant! However I am also not as active with this baby. I did so much yoga and spinning with H. This time around I am lucky if I have time to get 2 practices in a week and I haven't been on a spin bike since the 3rd trimester with H. I walk everyday, 2x if I can swing it, and have been trying to get to yoga as much as I can. I have to work around the yoga schedule, Harrison's activities, play dates, and Harrison's naps. As if that wasn't enough to juggle, sweet little H has entered the phase of "if I can't see you my world is ending. right now. game over. I can't go on." So my poor little dude has had a really hard time adjusting back into the LT childcare after our few month break. I feel so bad for him but I know all I can do is go with him and let him get as much time there as possible. My goal this week is to go everyday, even if I drop him and just sit and read for 30 minutes. He just needs to go. So I have officially strayed from the topic of #2! Well anyways, we go this week (Wed Oct 7th for our 20 week anatomy scan). This little appointment with either confirm or deny that the Harmony test was accurate in their gender assigning. I am super happy we get to see my little baby this week and I can't wait to watch the little one move around and love life! We are still going to let Harrison reveal his siblings gender at his bday.... we can't wait!!! As I am sure all of our friends and family can't either!
Post 20 week Sono Update:
Confirmation the harmony blood test is accurate... its a (I can't tell you that! You have to wait until Saturday when Harrison reveals it)! :) Sorry I know that is meant to make you wait, but only a few more days and then the baby gender is out of the cake. hahaha see what I did there. Clever! Any way, it was fun to see our sweet little babe. We actually got a good profile few of this one. He never cooperated, he was always head down and face back so we never really saw his features. Well as much as you can see a sonogram features. I don't how many times I have looked at sonos, but honestly beyond the spine, ribs, head, sometimes appendages, and the beating heart it is lost on me. There is so much happening in there it is always so wild to see the sono tech work her magic! Everything is perfect and right where it needs to be with this bundle. Measuring in the 86% and right on traffic for out due date. Most excellent because I want to get as close to 40 weeks as possible. Dr. Jacoby said we are good to keep going as planned and will schedule a C in Nov or October. I have 1/2 more 4wk apts and then it is on to the 2wks. Which is so crazy! This pregnancy is really flying by, it blows my mind! I will be 21 weeks on Friday!

Disclaimer, the above was written well before Harrison's first birthday. I 100000% forgot to post it and add pics and all that jazz. So here is the quick update version: Harrison's party was a hit! So fun! way tooooo many toys! We are so so so fortunate to have such amazing family and friends. It was a day filled with love and we could not be more grateful or thankful to our village. Thank you is not enough!
p.s. we are having a BOY! see video below!

Some photos from his one year photoshoot 

playing in the fountain at the arboretum 

posing with pumpkins 

I wanna be those lovies

Loving life at Play street!

Painting pumpkins and eating paint with Sammie

Cheesin' in the am

He loves apples

Finishing lunch while we stroll the arboretum 

impromptu photoshoot 

I love this picture of these two!

It is a boy!!!

Here is the big reveal.. H needed a little assistance! 

Pumpkin patch fun with Sofia and Bella

Thursday, September 17, 2015

30 day count down till the big O-N-E!

Newsflash: We have an 11 month old and are 16 weeks pregnant with number 2! Woah time stand still! 

11 Month Stats and update:
- We have a very steady stander. He can stand as long as he pleases and is very sturdy. Come on dude, just take a step!
- We have made our way around to a few splash parks, neighborhood pools and parks. It is hard because they are not really set up for crawlers. We found one amazing park right up the road from us that is excellent and has turf. We have spent a good deal of time there! 
- We have had a few glimpses of fall weather in the mornings! It has been most excellent, however this mama needs to get her very long and fast growing child some fall clothes. 
- We took a trip to Houston to visit sweet Lily and Uncle PJ and Tia Alany. It was a fun weekend!
- H started the next level of water babies and is rocking it. He really wants to be 100% let go of, but I do not think he realizes what that means. He has learned to grab the wall and hold on, which is an excellent advancement they say!
- We have an occasional diaper take off.... almost always during nap time and 100% so far with poop. So fun. so so so fun. Knock on wood, the mess has always been manageable. phew! 

Drumrooolllll please.... on Saturday Evening September 13th, 2015 Harrison took 5 unassisted steps! He was taking 1-2 walking from Chris to me and back, but this was the most he'd done. So exciting!! 

Baby J number 2!!! 

Soooooo since I have made it FB offish I can now blog about the coming surprise! Sweet Baby J is due February 26th, 2016. He/She was an exciting and unplanned surprise. We wanted Harrison and his siblings close in age (18-24m was our thought). This little bean decided that she/he wanted to come a little earlier. All is cool! We are excited! Funny story of how I found out I was pregnant actually.... Chris was out of town and coming back fathers day afternoon. I thought well how funny would it be if I took a pregnancy test and that was his present for fathers day. Totally not thinking I was pregnant, the surprise was all on me! I took 5 tests (2 the night before and 3 the day of) all telling me the same cute little positive! :) We went to the dr the next monday thinking I was going to be 6/7 weeks. Well thanks to nursing my hormones were all off and I ended up ovulating off from when I should have. So I was measuring 4weeks at that point and really still too early for them to say "Congrats!" So off we went and made an apt for 3weeks later. We came back and were measuring 7weeks 3days of healthiness! Super exciting and real! I did ask if there was only one baby in there, and the sonotech confirmed there was just one.

When I went back for my next apt (at 11 weeks) they said, "alrighty lets find out the gender" I was like what!?! the gender? I am only 11.5 weeks. We didn't find out with H until 20 weeks." Well it turns out that in the short year of having Harrison they have changed the typical 20 week anatomy scan and gender reveal to a 12 week blood test called Harmony. Basically it tells you everything there is to know about you baby'g DNA. WILD! So we did the blood test and got the envelope with the gender. Chris and I waited a few weeks and opened it on my bday. Harrison is going to reveal the gender to everyone at this bday via smash cake. Lets hope he smashes that badboy wide open orrrrrrr the suspense will kill everyone! I also hope this test is truly as accurate as they say and we were not told the wrong thing. ha! We have the anatomy scan at 20 weeks still and that will be on October 7th.

I have been fortunate to have another easy pregnancy so far. So grateful! I am not as active with this one because I have a baby and his naps to work around as well as not being able to do hot yoga this go around because the hot yoga at lifetime is way too hot! I also haven't done spinning since 3rd trimester with H so I was not about to start that again with this pregnancy being out of shape. So for now I walk everyday and get to yoga 2-3x a week. Just depends on the week I am having to go at night after we put H down because right now the day classes just aren't working with his naps. That is okay! Now that he turned 11m he doesn't have specific hours at the child care so we can go whenever they are open. I am going to try and add an afternoon swim a few days a week as well. I feel like I need to cancel out all the sweets I have been eating. Like something everyday. It is sad. This baby wants sweets. ugh. I decided today that I can have sweets on T/Th/S and the other 4 days are a no go. The whole mommy is in charge thing has to start somewhere right?!

enjoying out first "fall" day (8.20)

We went to visit sweet Lily (8.21)

sweetest face (8.23)

bday donuts (8.28)

morning walk with Sammie (9.1)

Swim class with Cruz (9.1)

Being silly in Target (9.5)

enjoying the outside (9.6)

Our first trip to Play Street. So fun! (9.8)

Puppa's vet check (9.11)

Loving our new park! (9.11)

Game day baby! (9.12)

We love you! (9.15)

Game day baby!!! Who Dat! (9.13)

11m pics! (9.14)

Dada book!!
rarely can Chris hold him without his going "ahhh ahhh ahh"

"if this blanket wasn't heavy it would so be on the ground with my lovies" Harrison's new favorite game!
Fun and games with daddy!