Friday, September 8, 2017

June & July 2017

Okay... I wrote and never posted or proof read June & July.... so here they are. Don't judge me for spelling or grammar errors. Even when I proofread they seem to exists. I am going to work on August now (did I mention it is Sept 8th today... hahahahaha). I hope to get ahead in Sept and actually have pictures as well.


June brought the start of summer. A summer frankly that is has been the hardest thus far. We have a learned a lot about Harrison over this summer,  and still continue to learn. He got out of school right as Douglas started actually walking. And all of a sudden this new super impulsive and hands Harrison appeared. We are slowly seeing growth nd control as the summer goes on, but also looking into if we need additional support or is he just a two year old. We find he has an incredible vocabulary and comprehension and over all intelligent little mind. That coupled with his size makes it very easy to forget he is two. Every two year old has their thing - it seems Harrison's is that he is a handsier kid. We want to teach him to control his hands and use them gently. So that has been our summer goal. Well life goal really. He spent one week in June in a 3 day summer camp and we took the last week to head to the lake. It has not been a horribly hot summer so far, but I feel that July will bring other news.  

Douglas has become quiet the parrot and will attempt to say anything you ask him too. It is pretty amazing. I was convinced he was not going to have a huge vocabulary due to being the second kid. But he has proved me wrong time and time again! He is walking all over and even tries to run. Its pretty cute. We say he walks like a little cowboy because he is a little bowlegged and walks like he is in stirrups. He is developing this amazing silly personality and it is making my world go round. He is tough as nails but super sensitive if that makes sense. Things you'd expect him to react from, he doesn't. But he gets his feelings hurt easily. I think he will be our temper tantrum kid. Harrison has never thrown one, but Douglas, I think will. I hope he proves us wrong, but only time will tell. He is absolutely our Disney lover. He loves all things disney and I really look froward to bringing him to disney world one day! He is also a little charmer, I keep saying he is going to the be the one we have to watch when he gets older. He has this little personality that sucks people in everywhere and he really knows how to flirt. It doesn't take much for him to warm up and give out all the sweet snuggles. 

Baby J #3! Baby has not been announced on social media yet.... but we found out in June that baby is a GIRL! I honestly didn't think we could make girls. haha! It took me weeks to shake the shock. But it is sinking in and I may have started to buy somethings.... maybe! We will see her on the 2nd week in July on the anatomy scan. Maybe then Christopher will talk names, maybe! 

Random Things I keep track of that they say/do:


- 6.4: c: is that buzz's laser? h: it's just a little lightbulb that blinks 
- 6.6: h sneezed and had boogers. Then said "I need a tissue for my bless you." 
- 6.16: "hey bro, I've got crawfish arms"
- 6.27: H: where is the lake Me: we are here at the lake (we were driving on the main road that leads to the house). H: This is not the lake. it is grass and mud!! 

May/June words:
- wah-yee, I tuck (stuck), ow, poo poo, peace (please), nack (snack), mommy, daddy, puppy, bye, hi (sweetest little voice), step, walk, huh-huh (is his answer to everything), puppy, 'tinky (stinky),  ice, He (is what we have gotten o far for him saying Harrison. Please is his new mastered word. He says please for everything. Epically "Up Please."
- He has this obsession with these disney figurines. He is learning the characters too. Mickey and Minnie are both MiMi. Daisy is DD, Jessie is Jessies. Buzz is Buhyeee. Woody is DD or Woodie. Goofy is FiFi. Its pretty cute! 
- Douglas adores Harrison and is his own little copy cat. Everything that H does D attempts to do. 


We began July with a trip to the lake for the 4th. It was a great really week spent. Harrison was overall really great with no incidents of being to rough. We got to hang with tons of cousins and even got picture with 10 of the 21 Taylor grands. The boys shared a room for the week and really amazed me. Harrison still didn't nap so that was a little trickier but they slept great.

- Harrison oh Harrison were to begin. He is hands down running us throughteh ringer the days. We have seen a huge growth him through the month of July. He is learning to control his body and be aware of his choices. All great things. He is still quite rough and I can't exactly figure out why. We met with a play therapist and got some feedback. They will meet again. Honestly I am torn in which direction to go. I am going session by session to see what she reads in him. I was impressed by how well she was bale to get his personality in their first session. A part of me is like, "wait and see Julie, he is only two." But another part is like what if there is something that he needs more help with than we can give him. We feel strongly that his brain and body/emotins are not inline. He has always bee incredibly smart, and so maybe there is some disconnect where he is still two, but his brain is beyond that. We honestly don't know.
- Two words he saying "incorrectly" and i love it and he says been saying forever! "Orjenge - orange" & "LizzaWa - Liuzza." They make me smile really big.

- 7.9 : He told me "night night" as I left the room from putting him down. It was so sweet and amazing and I almost turned around and went back in.
- Douglas has fully learned and embraced the word "Mine!" He even was saying it to me last night when I was so dutifully trying to clean up his rice mess from dinner. He kept grabbing the broom and saying "mine." Little turkey. But he is getting better at understanding, "it is mommy turn, then Douglas's."
- He continues to surprise me with his understanding and comprehension. You can ask him to do or get something and he is on it.
- He fully enjoys roughhousing with Harrison now and will go and lay down at his feet so that H lays on top of him. We are working on saying "no no no thank you" when he doesn't like something instead of the high pitch screech he has.
- He is continusouly obsessed with Disney characters. He is getting better at saying the names correctly. So far we have: DD - Daisy & Donald , Oofi - Goofy, Buh - Woody & Buzz (He can't seem to figure out that they are both not Buzz), MiMi - Mickey & Minnie, Yessies - Jessie. He also has PehPa - Peppa & George, Rabbih - any of the peppa rabbit characters.
- Other words he is saying consistently: Wuh Yu - love you, Ohvee - lovey, and honestly he tries to repeat everything you say. It is pretty cute.

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