Thursday, March 17, 2016

16 Months & Countdown to Baby J #2

Disclaimer: I forgot to post this at the appropriate time, so ignore the fact that it is a month late. It ws in fact written in time.... :)

We are officially in birthday month for #2!!! Wild!!! He is set to come on February 25th assuming that nothing changes between now and then. So being that it is February 5th as I type this (part of the blog) he is due in 20 days!!! Wowza!

Harrison Update:
- Harrison's vocabulary and comprehension has really taken off. All of a sudden he has just started "talking" like crazy. Sometimes words and other times just gibber jabber. It is amazing to watch! As far as comprehension, it is so cool! You can ask him to pick a snack, throw his diaper away, put clothes in the dirty clothes basket, turn the light on, and so much more! He will even respond to things you say. An example is the other morning he picked up my water and attempted to drink it and instead basically dumped it all up and down his front and back. When I asked him if he spilled the water, he (very pitifully) said, "yeah." Then helped me pick the ice cubes up and towel the water up. It is so incredibly fun! We are just trying really hard to give him words at every opportunity. He points to things a lot and wants to know what they are.
- His current favorite things to say are animal sounds. He has: sheep, horse, cow, tiger, monkey, elephant (arm goes up and everything), dog, & our personal favorite duck (to which he says, "duck duck" instead of "quack quack").
- Words that H says consistently, major parts of his vocabulary... wawa (water), mama, mommy, dada, daddy, puppa (Liuzza), mischka (mickey mouse), bubbles, car ride, ball, shoe, sock, baby, hi, bye,  dat dat (belly button), yay, yum, bless (when you sneeze), cheese, no, yes.
- Words that are sometimes said and other times not... friends names, wuv (love or lovey - wuv wuv), ma/puh/buh (up - we are really working on this one, it is constantly changing)
- Signs... please, thank you, more, eat, & all done.
- Extra bonus that I don't know what to call: he will blow kisses, "jump", wave, touch his toes, turn in a circle, sit down on his bottom (when asked. We are in a major climbing phase).
- Along with this amazing comprehension and vocabulary growth, Harrison has decided to really explore his stubborn side. He very much pushes every limit to the limit. Our biggest battle is being gentle with our friends, he does seem to be getting better. But the occasional hug (turns tackle), and random hitting. The hitting is the big one we are working on. He doesn't seem to care when he is corrected. So we have many many MANY of the same conversations all day long. all day long. It is exhausted, but we do it, and we do it because we want him to understand exactly what his ground rules are. We don't hit, we don't climb on tables, etc...

Baby J #2 Update:
I am well into my weekly checkups now. Last week (week 37) they did a sono to check my fluid levels and that all was good with babe. He looks great. He is measuring 7lbs. My placenta is starting to look old (which I remember with Harrison, but I feel like that was after we hit 40 weeks). My fluid levels are normal again. And lets be honest, I did not cut all sugar out, but cut back about 50%. But yay for all good news! I believe next week Dr. J will check me to see if there is any action happening. In the meantime I just continue to go about business,  chase a toddler, plan and attempt to get everything ready for #2, and all that jazz!

Went on Monday (2.15), got checked, and there is no change from last week. Holding strong at a 2. Dr. Jacoby said don't do anything crazy this weekend bc i'll be in Austin, see ya on the 25th! So all is a go for the 25th at 7:30 am. We are officially 7 days out from being a family of 4! Crazy!

Tomorrow (2.19) we are gonna take H to the zoo for the first time!! So excited! Gotta get all the fun things in this weekend before he becomes a big brother!

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