Soooo seeing as my boys are 16.5 months apart syncing their blog posts right on the months is going to be a little trickier... So one of them will have a half month, depending on when I sit down to write it. Phew glad we cleared that up, I just know that was bothering y'all as much as me!
Harrison 17 Month update:
His vocabulary is beyond incredible! Everyday it is a new word. He is very much a little parrot. Everything you say he repeats, and 95% of the time it is correct. Every once in a while there is a weird pronunciation... Example: Gobble = Ama.
Our current favorite game is to ask who everyone is. Daddy, Mommy, Duga (used to be Dougoo), Hissss (Harrison), & Umpha (Grandpa). Oh don't forget Puppa, but she has been named for quite some time now and when he says Puppa, it is much more excited than anyone else. :)
We will go next month for his 18m checkup. My guess is he is about 33lbs. He is a solid little dude. Whenever my friends pick him up, they are always shocked at how heavy he is. haha! Who knows! He eats a ton and never stops moving. So who knows.
Harrison has been a great big brother, he mostly kisses and hugs Douglas. There is at least one hit every day or so. But we have been working on saying sorry, showing nice, and not hitting. I am not sure the "look at his face you made him sad" has sunk in yet. He is good at saying sorry though, even though he says, "bless" instead of sorry. hahahaha
We have all teeth but the 2 year molars. HIs last canine (the bottom left one) is slowly breaking through. These little sharp suckers sure have taken a long time.
H has started shortening his naps most days. He is like clockwork and waking up at 1hr 10m. I am like dude what gives?!?! Where are the 2 hour naps again!?!
Douglas One Month Update:
Today (3.25) Douglas is one month! We go to the pedi next week to get all the measurements and stuff. We went to the urologist (more below) this week. He was 11b 15oz and 21.18inches long.
Douglas was born with what is called denial chorde, basically a curved line on his penis. His almost 100% self corrected in this first month of life. But as a result we were not able to have him circumcised at the hospital, we needed to see a urologist in case there was more to it. So next week D and his little D will get circumcised. We are cutting it close as far as when he can be circ'd. They do not like to do it beyond 12lbs. Otherwise they wait until 6m and do anesthesia. I do not want that. Seeing as how we are pushing 12lbs very nearly there, the urologist got us in asap. So keep my little bug in your prayers that all goes well and he recovers great. I feel bad that he will have to do this when he is over, but everyone says the one month is nothing.
Will edited and report back with one month stats. For now I will publish as is.
Side note: I lost my font cheat sheet so these have been boring old fonts. lame.
Begin One Month Photoshoot:
Free to go! |
Smiley dude |
Cheech & Chong Photoshoot:
39 weeks 6 days.. |
Big brother Bear! |
first family photo |
4 of the 5 grand parents |
Hey good looking |
Cooking with Raine |
photo shoot! first time solo with the boys |
life lessons: nose |
picking our nose during our photoshoot |
cheese |
water table from aunt Ru & Uncle Frank and Louis & adele! Finally put together and we are obsessed |
animal sound fun with daddy |
Dougoo Photoshoot
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