Thursday, November 16, 2017

August & September 2017


Phew, this summer was no joke y'all. Hands down the hardest summer of my life. I know there is so much excitement with summer and kids and all the summer fun - for us right now at these ages, summer is incredibly exhausting. We really spent this summer learning and growing as a family. Although this will be remembered as the hardest summer to date, I am so very grateful for it. This summer really opened our eyes and showed us how to fully appreciate our boys for exactly who they are. To really spend quality time as a family. To not get so caught up in the go go of everyday life. This summer was incredibly challenging and eye opening and so many other emotions.

It is no secret that Harrison has been an incredibly difficult 2 year old. We have a theory that his little brain is beyond his little 2 year old self and he just has so much disregulation when it comes to his emotions, his comprehension, his understanding, his vocabulary, his size, there are so many parts and they didn't quite align. We truly spent the bulk of the summer helping him align them. We spent the summer learning how to best help him, what he needs, how he learnes, how he is best responded too, all of that jazz. We by no means have a full grasp on life with Harrison, but we are much better equipped now, thanks to taking a step back and really seeing our baby for who he is. We have come so far in controlling our impulses and thinking about how our choices affect others. He still has days and moments, who doesn't? But overall we have seen a growth from him that has been so rewarding and heartwarming. School starts back after Labor Day we last minute decided to add him to 4 days rather than 2. He will be going to school M-Th 9-2. We are playing the first few weeks by ear to see how he does. My only concern is that he burns out by the end of the week. He doesn't nap anymore, if he does it is one random day every few weeks. So I worry he won't have rest or downtime at school. We will leave the decision up to his teachers and going to keep track on the home end as well.

  • Somethings we have learned about Harrison's needs and the things that help him thrive: 
    • If we make 1-1 time each day, his days are much better. He seems to really need that solo time with Chris & myself. We have made a special area in our Harry Potter closet that is designated to special time activities. Harrison gets to go and choose something for us to do. The bonus to him not napping is that we have time with him while Douglas finishes his nap. We do have Harrison rest for 30-60m depending on how compliant he is that day. 
    • Positivity is the way to his heart. The more negative we are the less he hears and responds. He truly thrives when we focus on everything he is doing right and how great his choices are. When we spend too much energy focusing on what he's doing wrong he either shuts us out or he continues to do what we don't want him to do. The biggest changes we have seen here is his ability to go around Douglas and not knock him over every chance he got. We are not perfect remember, we have our moments, but they seem more play related these days and not just because. 
    • He needs mental and physical stimulation. He is very easily bored. 
    • On the flip side he is over stimulated and gets too excited. We have to take breaks to stop and be calm or have a snack and water. This is really where our role as parents comes in. When we start seeing the signs, we step back and asses. We have actually seen him realize when he's had enough on occasion and we head home. 
This little buddy has just blossomed this month. He has fully transferred over from baby to toddler. It's been pretty amazing to witness. His vocabulary continues to blow me out of the water. He really is speaking in sentences now and communicating what he needs and wants. We are very much working with him on using his words rather than a high pitched scream or crying. Its been really helpful for him and Harrison that he will say "no" or "no thank you." We are working with him on saying, "I don't like that." He, very much like his brother, rises to the challenges we place before him. It has been really amazing to watch. Harrison always seemed to have an advanced vocabulary, I wasn't expecting Douglas to follow suit. I figured second kid would be spoken for more often than not. We are seeing a little bit of that here and there, but overall not really. Harrison is respectful of letting Douglas speak. We are at the same time teaching Harrison to hear Doulgas's sounds and words. They like to wrestle and play and we want to allow them to figure out their relationship, but also need them to respect each other when one has had enough. We are walking this fine line of you are both still so little, but also we want you to be able to work together to figure things out. How much help do we give? How much do we back off? The questions continue....


Oh September! You greeted us with the long awaited start of school! Yay! Harrison is showing more apprehension this year with school. But to be fair with the start of school we met our very first sickness. When I say very first I mean first, like never even a cold. We jumped two feet in with croup. Yay! It was a super scary Monday morning (9.11) when Harrison woke up and could barely breath. We got a few days worth of a steroid drink and was a total champ. I really and truly cannot omcplain with this one guys, we really lucked out. I pray and hope that we don't get it again, because th beauty of croup is once you get it you almost always get it again and again :( . Horrors. I am not excited about this. A week to the day later (9.18) Douglas has more mild signs of croup. We haven't taken him in because his seems mostly to be cough and he is handling it okay. We are just on watch. They only create croup when it gets into the scry breathing like Harrison had. So here we go, round 2, lets hop it is gone gone gone after this. This mama is sleepy!

School Round Up
- Harrison is a little less excited about school this year, but really hasn't had a chance for the consistency yet. He is set to go 4 days a week and has only been 1-2 day each week so far. Here is hoping week 3 brings a full week and we can really see how he does. The teachers said he rests for a little then goose a buggy ride or to the clubhouse. I am hoping that he wont be crazy overdone by the end of the week, if he is, we will have to come up with another solution. I am not sure what that is, but I am thinking!
- Douglas cried the first 3 days at drop off, but stops within 30 seconds of me leaving the room. He's been great. The teachers are already in love with him and he's adorable. He has taken 1hr naps at school and definitely tired as the evening goes on. But we are back to early bedtimes of 645/7.

- Wow, this kids vocabulary is crazy. He is fully speaking sentences now. It is amazing. He is saying things like; "hold you mommy" "oofi/woody show." "Harrison/mommy/daddy go?" "no" "ow" "uh huh" "Haysin" "Love you mommy" "Binkdy" "Wovey" "oh no" "up please" "water please" "i got it"
- Honestly he says everything that he can, he repeats and then has a huge vocab. I continue to be shocked
- Characters: Oofi, Momold, Woody, Yessie, Minnee, Meekey, Dayshe, Eeet, T-rex, Pluto, Peppa, Georjjj, BeBe Elephant, The list goes on
- His need to be older than he is is amazing and annoying. He wants to do and thinks he can do anything Harrison does. I like to let him, but then sometimes it is more work for me. He current battle is that he wants to sit on the bench too eat, not his high chair. This is think can officially be called the first battle in parenting that we lost. He sits on the bench, and he does great. He knows "bottom or knees" are his choices. But he absolutely doesn't eat as well.
- We sort of have been in this funky sleep since a little before 18m. I do not know what is up. He wakes up and calls for me throughout the night a few times, but goes right back to sleep, so I almost never go in. But this early morning waking anywhere from 430 on is horrible. I truly cannot figure out what is up or what to change. We have done an earlier bedtime, like both in bed and asleep mostly before 7. That helps bc he is at least getting more sleep, but he is still waking early. His naps have also shortened. It is pretty rare he takes a 2hr nap, mostly 1hr 15m to 1hr 30m. Again, I don't know whats up. We want to move the boys in together, but I am not gonna lie, I am scared. I worry that they are going to wake each other crazy early. We have to do it at some point, so we will just see how it goes. I know ew don't need too before the baby comes, but I know this is going to be big change for both, especially Douglas and I want to have things as normal as possible. I don't want them to be surprised.

- He is so incredibly kind and thoughtful. If someone is hurt he immediately asks where it hurts and then says "I will give it a kiss." It is really crazy how the same little bundle of sweetness cannot seem to stop tackling his brother.
- We have definitely seen such a personality as we get closer to 3 - as in 30 day countdown, anyone anyone!?!? He's always been silly and had a lot of traits that are consistent. But it is almost like he now is turning into his big kid self. I am not sure if that makes sense. But every day I see less and less of the baby and toddler in him and more and more of the little kid. Or if you ask him, big boy. I think 3 is going to be really fun!
- It is not secret that the 2's have been chock full of exhaustion and just trying to make it through the day and get a handle on whatever is happening. We see less and less of that, but it still happens. He is more aware of his actions and the result they have on others, but there are still things that happen.
- I think 3 is going to be a lot about learning to control emotions. He has never been an emotional kid, but the closer we get to turn gin 3 the more whiney and emotional he seems to get. We have been playing around with some tools to help him learn to regulate his emotions.

(I had every intention to add pictures, maybe one of these months I will get it done early on and not months later)!

Friday, September 8, 2017

June & July 2017

Okay... I wrote and never posted or proof read June & July.... so here they are. Don't judge me for spelling or grammar errors. Even when I proofread they seem to exists. I am going to work on August now (did I mention it is Sept 8th today... hahahahaha). I hope to get ahead in Sept and actually have pictures as well.


June brought the start of summer. A summer frankly that is has been the hardest thus far. We have a learned a lot about Harrison over this summer,  and still continue to learn. He got out of school right as Douglas started actually walking. And all of a sudden this new super impulsive and hands Harrison appeared. We are slowly seeing growth nd control as the summer goes on, but also looking into if we need additional support or is he just a two year old. We find he has an incredible vocabulary and comprehension and over all intelligent little mind. That coupled with his size makes it very easy to forget he is two. Every two year old has their thing - it seems Harrison's is that he is a handsier kid. We want to teach him to control his hands and use them gently. So that has been our summer goal. Well life goal really. He spent one week in June in a 3 day summer camp and we took the last week to head to the lake. It has not been a horribly hot summer so far, but I feel that July will bring other news.  

Douglas has become quiet the parrot and will attempt to say anything you ask him too. It is pretty amazing. I was convinced he was not going to have a huge vocabulary due to being the second kid. But he has proved me wrong time and time again! He is walking all over and even tries to run. Its pretty cute. We say he walks like a little cowboy because he is a little bowlegged and walks like he is in stirrups. He is developing this amazing silly personality and it is making my world go round. He is tough as nails but super sensitive if that makes sense. Things you'd expect him to react from, he doesn't. But he gets his feelings hurt easily. I think he will be our temper tantrum kid. Harrison has never thrown one, but Douglas, I think will. I hope he proves us wrong, but only time will tell. He is absolutely our Disney lover. He loves all things disney and I really look froward to bringing him to disney world one day! He is also a little charmer, I keep saying he is going to the be the one we have to watch when he gets older. He has this little personality that sucks people in everywhere and he really knows how to flirt. It doesn't take much for him to warm up and give out all the sweet snuggles. 

Baby J #3! Baby has not been announced on social media yet.... but we found out in June that baby is a GIRL! I honestly didn't think we could make girls. haha! It took me weeks to shake the shock. But it is sinking in and I may have started to buy somethings.... maybe! We will see her on the 2nd week in July on the anatomy scan. Maybe then Christopher will talk names, maybe! 

Random Things I keep track of that they say/do:


- 6.4: c: is that buzz's laser? h: it's just a little lightbulb that blinks 
- 6.6: h sneezed and had boogers. Then said "I need a tissue for my bless you." 
- 6.16: "hey bro, I've got crawfish arms"
- 6.27: H: where is the lake Me: we are here at the lake (we were driving on the main road that leads to the house). H: This is not the lake. it is grass and mud!! 

May/June words:
- wah-yee, I tuck (stuck), ow, poo poo, peace (please), nack (snack), mommy, daddy, puppy, bye, hi (sweetest little voice), step, walk, huh-huh (is his answer to everything), puppy, 'tinky (stinky),  ice, He (is what we have gotten o far for him saying Harrison. Please is his new mastered word. He says please for everything. Epically "Up Please."
- He has this obsession with these disney figurines. He is learning the characters too. Mickey and Minnie are both MiMi. Daisy is DD, Jessie is Jessies. Buzz is Buhyeee. Woody is DD or Woodie. Goofy is FiFi. Its pretty cute! 
- Douglas adores Harrison and is his own little copy cat. Everything that H does D attempts to do. 


We began July with a trip to the lake for the 4th. It was a great really week spent. Harrison was overall really great with no incidents of being to rough. We got to hang with tons of cousins and even got picture with 10 of the 21 Taylor grands. The boys shared a room for the week and really amazed me. Harrison still didn't nap so that was a little trickier but they slept great.

- Harrison oh Harrison were to begin. He is hands down running us throughteh ringer the days. We have seen a huge growth him through the month of July. He is learning to control his body and be aware of his choices. All great things. He is still quite rough and I can't exactly figure out why. We met with a play therapist and got some feedback. They will meet again. Honestly I am torn in which direction to go. I am going session by session to see what she reads in him. I was impressed by how well she was bale to get his personality in their first session. A part of me is like, "wait and see Julie, he is only two." But another part is like what if there is something that he needs more help with than we can give him. We feel strongly that his brain and body/emotins are not inline. He has always bee incredibly smart, and so maybe there is some disconnect where he is still two, but his brain is beyond that. We honestly don't know.
- Two words he saying "incorrectly" and i love it and he says been saying forever! "Orjenge - orange" & "LizzaWa - Liuzza." They make me smile really big.

- 7.9 : He told me "night night" as I left the room from putting him down. It was so sweet and amazing and I almost turned around and went back in.
- Douglas has fully learned and embraced the word "Mine!" He even was saying it to me last night when I was so dutifully trying to clean up his rice mess from dinner. He kept grabbing the broom and saying "mine." Little turkey. But he is getting better at understanding, "it is mommy turn, then Douglas's."
- He continues to surprise me with his understanding and comprehension. You can ask him to do or get something and he is on it.
- He fully enjoys roughhousing with Harrison now and will go and lay down at his feet so that H lays on top of him. We are working on saying "no no no thank you" when he doesn't like something instead of the high pitch screech he has.
- He is continusouly obsessed with Disney characters. He is getting better at saying the names correctly. So far we have: DD - Daisy & Donald , Oofi - Goofy, Buh - Woody & Buzz (He can't seem to figure out that they are both not Buzz), MiMi - Mickey & Minnie, Yessies - Jessie. He also has PehPa - Peppa & George, Rabbih - any of the peppa rabbit characters.
- Other words he is saying consistently: Wuh Yu - love you, Ohvee - lovey, and honestly he tries to repeat everything you say. It is pretty cute.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

April & May 2017

Potty Training Harrison

Start Date: Thursday April 20th
Method: Oh Crap Potty Training Book

Day One Recap: Today was naked day. Or as Harrison likes to refer to it as "naked butt" day. He wore a shirt and nothing else. We put his little elmo potty in the breakfast area, along with some books. He started the morning off by throwing away two diapers. We talked about how at nap time he will be wearing pull-ups and bedtime he still will wear a sleepy diaper. He wasn't thrilled, but he went with it. I would call today a huge success. He had two accidents - both were my fault. I invited him to watch me pee and he watched and then pee'd on the floor right in front of me. The second was when I thought I could get a little computer time in while he was playing. Both times he stopped and finished when we got him on the potty. He did a mix of the big white potty and his little elmo potty. There were no poops today but countless pees. I did not prompt, but would have him go and sit every so often. 2x I saw his "I am about to pee" cue - turns out that is him looking down at his penis. We got to the potty in time both times. The big kicker was shortly after going pee on his little potty he told me "I have more pee pee." Then he sat down and pee'd all on his own. You should have seen me doing my crazy excited dance. He was so proud and so was I. I call today a success and am fully prepared to have more challenges tomorrow. We are going to go into block 2: comando. He will be wearing shorts but no underwear. Here goes nothing.

Day Two Recap: Harrison woke up completely dry. It was amazing and has never happened. He then pee'd a ton in the potty and we put shorts on to go commando. I knew he had to poop so kept him by me for pancake making. When I was on the last batch he slipped away, squatted next to his potty and pooped in his shorts. We cleaned it up and moved on. We went outside an hour or so later and were playing. All of a sudden Harrison runs towards the door saying,  "poop!" Again the poop was in his shorts, but I think it is an improvement that he was moving towards the door and towards what I like those was his potty. The rest of the day went great no accidents until the early evening we were outside playing and he had two pee accidents. Both again we caught and he stopped and got the rest out on the potty/the bush in the backyard.

Day Three Recap: He again went to sleep with a diaper and woke up dry!! I think this is huge! We went on out first outing. We went to the gym to watch daddy play basketball and play a little with him. We were gone around 45m and he did great!

Skip Ahead: (lets be real, I was impressed I could document this well for 3 days). We are a month into potty training and Harrison has truly amazed me. We never had pee accidents. And have had a handful of poo accidents. The accidents came because I let him go play and did not have hime go potty first. It is still exhausting to always be stressing over someone elses potty needs. But I figure one day I won't have to worry about H and start worrying about D. Overall I could not be more impressed with Harrison. Like everything else we have thrown at him he really worked hard and succeed. There were plenty of frustrating times along the way. But big picot: he rocks!

Harrison (2.5)

Douglas (14-15m)
- Went on his first play place. At CFA he climbed right up. Played around and then came down he slide with H. I let him go back up because it waste crowded. But started to get crowded and of course he went all the way over to the car and wouldn't come down. He had a blast and this sweet older sister got him out for me. Stinker, I thought I was going to have to go up. And aint no body wanna see that!
- He is really starting to talk more. He has always babbled and told you stories, but now his words are actually coming. He says things that sound very much like what he is asking you to do, but it is definitely not clear and you need the context. He says "mommy, daddy, bubble, water (wawa), milk (meh), binky (buhbee), ow, uhoh, roar (when playing with dinosaurs), more (moh),
- He is getting pretty independent, but still very much a mommy's boy! Haha! He will go and do things and then I hear "mommmmeeee" and know he needs to see me.
- He is finally walking!!!! He would take a few steps, then fall and crawl. But something clicked when we were at the beach, he really just started and hasn't stopped. Its been great! He does this really hard giant stomping walking. It is super adorable. He seems to be a bit bowlegged.

April Recap

I will need to come back and fill in here. I cannot keep on top of these monthly posts!

May Recap
- We went to gulf shores with the Hester's for a week at the end of the month. It was super fun! The boys just love love love the beach. We did not get to spend as much time on the beach because it was super windy and the water was rough. But they loved the sand and could not get enough. I am pretty sure Douglas pooped sand for days. We stayed at Martinique on The Gulf. It was truly a perfect little family place. We had a blast!
- I flew solo with the boys by myself for the first time. They really did great, even with an on plane delay they did awesome. Harrison was in bigly undies and had no accidents. I was super impressed.
- Speaking of no accidents. We drove to and from gulf shores (3.5-4hr to NOLA) and then NOLA to Dallas (8hr) in undies. He did so awesome! Even pooped in public places like no biggie. So proud go him! He is very anti pull ups, example if I put one on him for nap he takes it off. So we just do undies for nap. He still does a diaper for bed 50/50 wakes up dry.
- Harrison finish his first year of school. He truly loved it. Still will cry when he asks to go to school and I tell him he cat until September. Its pretty adorable and heartbreaking.
- We switched to the sibling class at My Gym. Douglas can officially do things now and he is no longer free. He does love it though. He gets to actually swing and do the big adventures. He is not as inclined to do things like grab the bar. I think H was doing them at this age, but to be far we started Little Gym with H pretty early on. Douglas does love to froward roll and climb things. He has zero fear here. It is pretty impressive. He was climbing before he was walking technically.
- Anthony & Vanessa got married in the Pass. We were all there and it was super fun! The kids were crazy and we did not stay very long into the reception because we drove back to NOLA and had earlier driven in from Gulf Shores. We are very happy for them!
- Cheech & Chong came to visit. They kept the boys for us for the day/night so we could drive to Behn and Kelsey's wedding. It just so happened to be the day the roofers finally showed up and did the roof. We are eternally grateful to them. Of course and always!
- Both our fence and roof were beat up and knocked down during the horrible storms in April. So we are officially poor now, send money. But we have a beautiful new roof and fence. Lets hope we never have to replace them again. ouch.

Ransom things I have kept track of in my notes on my phone from March, April & May:

Harrison Things:

- I have good idea
- orjange (still my favorite word he says, this is for the color orange) 
- 3.24: I'm have a good idea, tape! 
- 3.27: got H up from rest time. I was carrying him out and I said "I love you Harrison" and gave him a kiss. He said "I love you mommy." I love catching glimpses of these amazing little hearts full of love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
- 3.29: orjenge doll & open house 

-4.27: H. A. R. R. I. S. what come after S? I said o comes after S. He then said: O. N. Harrison!!!
- 5.5: h: I want another napkin me: why h: cause I have two feet 
- watching Moana: "I am Maui. Mommy is Moana. And Douglas is the chicken."
- 5.26: after nap H told C: I am Mr. Moon and you are Ms. Crowley." 

Douglas Things:

- mama & daddy 
- uh oh
- buh bye
- 3.27: pointed at puppy. Said puppy. 
- bubbles & blowing bubbles 
- climbing the ladder and playing at the park 
- words: book, bubble, roar, water (wawa), 
- mouth, nose, ears, feet, teeth

Saturday, April 22, 2017

January.February.March. 2017

Wowza is it 2017 already!!!

It is crazy that in a few days we will begin the countdown for the Douglas's first birthday! That is just mind blowing. really mind blowing. I thought it went fat with Harrison but it really flying by with Douglas.

- Harbear is fully into the twos. Man we are riding a roller coaster of emotion these days. There is so much fun that comes with the twos, but it also very exhausting. Harrison really says the darnedest things. I find him continuing to surprise me. Last night (1.17.17) Chris was dealing with a work email and I asked him if he was working. He said yes, and Harrison immediately said, "No you not daddy you at home!" We just had to look at each other and laugh. Come on dude you are two! But you have the comprehension and vocabulary of a 3 year old. I have learned and am continuing to learn a lot about myself as a person through Harrison. He is an amazing boy with his own set of challenges. I have learned in the past few months that he is just a balls to the wall rough and tumble kid. So rather than trying to change who he is, which is not possible and crazy, plus I love him so much just as he is, I am learning to embrace him for him. I am learning how to best support who he is while teaching him the correct ways to go about life. Like I said, I am learning a lot. haha!
- Harrison adores school and his teachers, he has made two very good friends in his class that we see often outside of school. It has been really fun finding mommy friends and kids that are in the same ages and stages as mine.
- Current favorite shows: Peppa Pig & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Occasionally Daniel Tiger. He starting to be able to watch movies and this is fun! Sort of stressful because I am always worrying he is gong to see something that is too rough or teach him something bad. But I guess it is just the start of it. haha!
- "I have good idea!" He just loves to say this! And then it will be something random, like: "I have good idea, tape!" (3.24). 
- Harrison has not been napping, so he has rest time. He got up from rest time on 3.27 and as I was carrying him out. I gave him a kiss and said, "I love you Harrison." He immediately said, "I love you mommy." Oh be still my heart. He has the kindest heart. He may be a bull in a china shop physically and very very loud, but he sure is sweet! 
- 3.29 we went to Harrison's open house at school. It was night of them showing off their most recent work and letting us bring it home. On the way there I asked H what kind of work we would see. He told me "a doll with an orjenge (how he says orange) shirt." I was thinking sure, okay, whatever! Well we walk in and sure enough there were all these dolls made by the kids, I immediately asked his teachers if the one with the orange shirt was his. They said its a guessing game, lets see! Turns out that little HarBear knew exactly what he was talking about. Harrison you continue to surprise me!  

- This little cutie is a pretty cool cat! He really rolls with everything and could not be sweeter. He has a temper, but pretty much only pulls it out when he is hungry. He is also a tough cookies, his older brother who shall remain nameless is quiet rough. We are really working on being gentle and kind (Like Dex the Dragon), but sometimes he is far from it.
- Douglas's words: mama, daddy, puppy, uh-oh, ball, bubble, buh-bye, baseball, & then tons of other things we don't know what he is saying! 
- Signs: milk, more, eat, please
- He can blow his nose if you put a tissue there and say blow
- He has all 8 of the front teeth as well as his 1 year molars. I keep thinking the canines are coming, but who knows. 
- He loves blowing bubbles - meaning he sticks the bubble wand in his mouth and blows
- He is all over the place, doesn't seem to bother him that he isn't walking. He climbs ladders, steps, the wood chips, goes down slides, crawls all over the park. but. won't. walk.

Douglas turned one! What! When did that happen??? Probably sometime when I was slacking in my monthly posts really bad. Hahah! I have all of these organizational goals that I set out to do a little here and there so they don't pile up on me. But I can't seem to follow through with my little goals. I am going to try and make better use of my planner and assign myself jobs at times and see how that goes. Anywaysssss enough about me, on to the real reason you are here: these most amazing little boys of ours!!

February brought Mardi Gras and a trip back home. It was so fun and the boys loved it. Harrison enjoys the parades, but is more interested in having the freedom too move (as in stand on a step ladder rather than be locked into the seat of the leader). This was fine for day parades, but made me not as comfortable for night parades. Douglas however loved everything about Mardi Gras. He was sitting in the ladder clapping, dancing, flirting, smiling, and pointing at everything. Hands down my favorite part (aside from sharing the magic that is MG with my boys) was watching Douglas watch parades. It was just joy, so much joy!

On to my baby turning one!!! Time flew flew flew with Douglas's. I don't know if it is because time is cruel and going faster or maybe it is because it wasn't the first time foe everything so it wasn't so scary? Whatever the reason I love it and hate it. I get so excited for what the next day brings, but I hate that they go so fast. "The days are long and the years are short" is so so so true!

Dear Darling Douglas,

You my little boy are just a delightful guy. You came out smiling and happy. You ask for very little - food, snuggles, and a lot of love. You have always been a pretty decent sleeper and rarely get upset. As you grow older we have found you have a little temper on you and can get really loud really quick. But for the most part you just roll with the punches and do your own thing. You are definitely my little snuggler and very much a mama's boy. You have had begun to have some attachment things happening and cry when we leave you. But you have this amazing big brother who is always looking out for you. Speaking of him, you just adore Harrison. You want to be just like him (besides the walking part of course, you seem to be getting by just fine by crawling). You watch and mimic so much of what H does. Even down to the words he says you do your best to say them too! You are never far from Harrison and I think you both like it just like that. I cannot wait to see this amazing bond continue to grow and develop. It it my hope that by the end of 2017 y'all will be sharing a room. I hope that you always stay who you are my love. You have this infectious smile that sucks everyone in. There has not been anyone who has met you that you haven't charmed. I think we are going to have to keep an eye on you my little turkey. Mommy, Daddy, Harrison, & Puppy just adore you more than words and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you darling! 

Love love love, 
your people 

disclaimer: I half wrote each months post and never finished. As a result they were combo'd into one post and probably doesn't flow all that well. Here is to hoping my new weekly notes to myself help me stay on top of it! 

January Pictures 

February Pictures 

March Photos

I have more pictures to add, I just need to find them. I realize these are very Douglas heavy photos. 


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

October 2016 & December 2016

Sooooo apparently I typed and never posted December or October's posts..... So here they are! My goal for 2017 is to keep on top of these monthly posts. Here is to hoping!

Goodness me, I keep finding myself faced with the end of the month and no blog post updates to show for it. I try to write things down in my phone as they come up, but it makes for a pretty pitiful post. Lets be real this mommy brained lady is not going to remember much if it is not written down as it happens. So bear with me as I attempt to summarized October 2016. If it counts for anything, I am finally in a good system of getting pictures off of my phone on to my external hard drive.... so at least I win there, right?

October in a nutshell....
- Harrison turned 2. Wow that is crazy! That pretty much seems like the bulk of our month. My biggest little turned a big old two. It was really fun to get to see him love his birthday. If that even makes sense. Like he really understood that this was all about him. A special day (lets be real dayssss) all about him. He loved to sing happy birthday. If you asked him about his birthday he would say, "I blew out candles!" He was showered with lots o love and happiness and that is truly all a mom could ask for.
- We flew to NOLA to surprise Cheech. Chong put together a "met you day" party to celebrate the day they met 40 years ago. It was great fun. Our sweetest friends Mr. & Mrs. Whelen watched the babies for us so we could celebrate. We are so lucky to have such great friends.
- October has been full of pumpkins, fests, patches, friends, and fun!

- We celebrated his birthday by going to Storybook Ranch pumpkin farm and out to lunch after. Him and I went to the donut shop and he picked out a special donut (which he only ate the candy eyes and nose off of). We sang him happy birthday about a million times, and he got to celebrate the day with family and friends. We threw him a transportation themed party. There were snacks galore and a Mickey play land toddler bouncer that he adored.
- The things that he says these days are truly hysterical. He just puts these sentenced together that have us rolling in laughter and frankly take my breath away. I have no idea where he gets them, but man its great when he says them.  Some examples: 1) Kellie and I were talking while we loaded up our cars after a pumpkin patch adventure. Harrison goes, "Mommmyyy what chu talking bout mommy?" I was like whah, how do you know to ask that? 2) One morning I was putting pea crisps into his lunch and he was watching me. He then says, "How bout you put some of Harrisons plate mommy?" I of course obliged. I love that he ends everything with mommy! 3) The night of his birthday party Christopher and I were putting him to bed and he said, "get me out Harrison bed mommy. I want to watch football." Of course you do you little stinker.


Phew! 2016 seems to have flown by. I thought it was fast with Harrison, turns out it is even faster with Douglas!

I was pretty bad at "Keeping Up The Janes Krewe" for October & November.... So here is hoping December and next years monthly posts are better & more informative!

So far we are 16 days into December and just loving Christmas. I have always loved christmas, obviously, but this year is a whole new world of living christmas. I am getting to see the magic that is christmas through the sweet eyes of a two year old. The simple little things about Christmas that are often overlooked as we age are the things that matter the most to Harrison!

Some Christmas Magic we are loving this December:
-We have to drive in and out of of neighbor a certain way. There is one house that just brings so much joy to our drives. They did it big with inflatable things at Halloween, they did it just as big with Christmas! Harrison doesn't even know some of the "characters" that they have, but we still tell them "Hi" & "Good Morning" all the same! "Hi Mickey Trains, Hi Santa, HI Drago, HI Olaf, HI Pen-gin, Hi Santa, Hi Snowman, Hi!!"
- Lights, oh that magic that is christmas lights. Take my breath away overtime and we haven't even seen any big Christmas event displays. Just neighborhood magic. Harrison love the christmas lights.
- Decorating the tree was one of my very favorite moments in parenting to date. He loved putting the ornaments on (only two were harmed in the trimming of the tree). Of course all of his ornaments were clumped together and one part of our tree is stunningly full. He loves to choose the lights that the tree will be on - boy after my own heart and pretty much always chooses white. Our lights can be white, colored, and flash between the two -- don't choose this option, it give you a major headache.
- Santa, oh my gosh, Santa. The kids loves him some Santa!! He has been so excited everytime we have seen santa, he just kicks his feet and smiles. This last visit he did tell him he wanted a ball for chrismtas and douglas wanted a cookie.