Newsflash: We have an 11 month old and are 16 weeks pregnant with number 2! Woah time stand still!
11 Month Stats and update:
- We have a very steady stander. He can stand as long as he pleases and is very sturdy. Come on dude, just take a step!
- We have made our way around to a few splash parks, neighborhood pools and parks. It is hard because they are not really set up for crawlers. We found one amazing park right up the road from us that is excellent and has turf. We have spent a good deal of time there!
- We have had a few glimpses of fall weather in the mornings! It has been most excellent, however this mama needs to get her very long and fast growing child some fall clothes.
- We took a trip to Houston to visit sweet Lily and Uncle PJ and Tia Alany. It was a fun weekend!
- H started the next level of water babies and is rocking it. He really wants to be 100% let go of, but I do not think he realizes what that means. He has learned to grab the wall and hold on, which is an excellent advancement they say!
- We have an occasional diaper take off.... almost always during nap time and 100% so far with poop. So fun. so so so fun. Knock on wood, the mess has always been manageable. phew!
Drumrooolllll please.... on Saturday Evening September 13th, 2015 Harrison took 5 unassisted steps! He was taking 1-2 walking from Chris to me and back, but this was the most he'd done. So exciting!!
Baby J number 2!!!
Soooooo since I have made it FB offish I can now blog about the coming surprise! Sweet Baby J is due February 26th, 2016. He/She was an exciting and unplanned surprise. We wanted Harrison and his siblings close in age (18-24m was our thought). This little bean decided that she/he wanted to come a little earlier. All is cool! We are excited! Funny story of how I found out I was pregnant actually.... Chris was out of town and coming back fathers day afternoon. I thought well how funny would it be if I took a pregnancy test and that was his present for fathers day. Totally not thinking I was pregnant, the surprise was all on me! I took 5 tests (2 the night before and 3 the day of) all telling me the same cute little positive! :) We went to the dr the next monday thinking I was going to be 6/7 weeks. Well thanks to nursing my hormones were all off and I ended up ovulating off from when I should have. So I was measuring 4weeks at that point and really still too early for them to say "Congrats!" So off we went and made an apt for 3weeks later. We came back and were measuring 7weeks 3days of healthiness! Super exciting and real! I did ask if there was only one baby in there, and the sonotech confirmed there was just one.
When I went back for my next apt (at 11 weeks) they said, "alrighty lets find out the gender" I was like what!?! the gender? I am only 11.5 weeks. We didn't find out with H until 20 weeks." Well it turns out that in the short year of having Harrison they have changed the typical 20 week anatomy scan and gender reveal to a 12 week blood test called Harmony. Basically it tells you everything there is to know about you baby'g DNA. WILD! So we did the blood test and got the envelope with the gender. Chris and I waited a few weeks and opened it on my bday. Harrison is going to reveal the gender to everyone at this bday via smash cake. Lets hope he smashes that badboy wide open orrrrrrr the suspense will kill everyone! I also hope this test is truly as accurate as they say and we were not told the wrong thing. ha! We have the anatomy scan at 20 weeks still and that will be on October 7th.
I have been fortunate to have another easy pregnancy so far. So grateful! I am not as active with this one because I have a baby and his naps to work around as well as not being able to do hot yoga this go around because the hot yoga at lifetime is way too hot! I also haven't done spinning since 3rd trimester with H so I was not about to start that again with this pregnancy being out of shape. So for now I walk everyday and get to yoga 2-3x a week. Just depends on the week I am having to go at night after we put H down because right now the day classes just aren't working with his naps. That is okay! Now that he turned 11m he doesn't have specific hours at the child care so we can go whenever they are open. I am going to try and add an afternoon swim a few days a week as well. I feel like I need to cancel out all the sweets I have been eating. Like something everyday. It is sad. This baby wants sweets. ugh. I decided today that I can have sweets on T/Th/S and the other 4 days are a no go. The whole mommy is in charge thing has to start somewhere right?!
I have been fortunate to have another easy pregnancy so far. So grateful! I am not as active with this one because I have a baby and his naps to work around as well as not being able to do hot yoga this go around because the hot yoga at lifetime is way too hot! I also haven't done spinning since 3rd trimester with H so I was not about to start that again with this pregnancy being out of shape. So for now I walk everyday and get to yoga 2-3x a week. Just depends on the week I am having to go at night after we put H down because right now the day classes just aren't working with his naps. That is okay! Now that he turned 11m he doesn't have specific hours at the child care so we can go whenever they are open. I am going to try and add an afternoon swim a few days a week as well. I feel like I need to cancel out all the sweets I have been eating. Like something everyday. It is sad. This baby wants sweets. ugh. I decided today that I can have sweets on T/Th/S and the other 4 days are a no go. The whole mommy is in charge thing has to start somewhere right?!
enjoying out first "fall" day (8.20) |
We went to visit sweet Lily (8.21) |
sweetest face (8.23) |
bday donuts (8.28) |
morning walk with Sammie (9.1) |
Swim class with Cruz (9.1) |
Being silly in Target (9.5) |
enjoying the outside (9.6) |
Our first trip to Play Street. So fun! (9.8) |
Puppa's vet check (9.11) |
Loving our new park! (9.11) |
Game day baby! (9.12) |
We love you! (9.15) |
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Game day baby!!! Who Dat! (9.13) |
11m pics! (9.14) |
Dada book!! |
rarely can Chris hold him without his going "ahhh ahhh ahh" |
"if this blanket wasn't heavy it would so be on the ground with my lovies" Harrison's new favorite game! |
Fun and games with daddy! |