Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Harrison is 2 months old!!

Happy 2 Months sweet buddy!!

I cannot believe how fast these months have gone!! I remember thinking those first few weeks, "I am not going to survive. I need sleep. I cant do this." But then telling myself, "it will get better, it is not always going to be this hard. Take it one day at a time and remember this too shall pass." Man o man there have been good days and bad. But all in all I am beyond obsessed with and head over heels in love with this sweet little guy. I cannot imagine my life without him and I cannot imagine loving a tiny person more. Do not get me wrong, there are plenty of days where being a stay at home mom is that hardest thing I have ever done. But no matter what, when Harrison gives me that big old smile or talks to me, it all goes away. And all that matters is this little baby. This little guy who needs me to make his world go round. And in the process he makes my world go round. I cannot tell you how much fun he is now. During his second month there are so many things that have changed, I just hope I can put them all into words for y'all!!

Here are some bullet points about Harrison's second month of life:
- Weighing in at 13lbs 15oz
- He is 24 inches long
- He discovered and is obsessed with ceiling fans. They can be on or still, but they rock his world!
- He loves baths. He doesn't always love the drying off and getting dressed part. I have noticed that if we get him warm and dry before laying him on the bed that helps. Also having a binky handy. He enjoys being sung too, our current song sessions are me making up songs to Christmas music. I cant tell if he smiles are my lyrics or "amazing" voice....
- He is obsessed with his letter wall and talks to them when he gets his diapers changed. He likes to be naked so I let him hang lose if it has been substantial time post nursing and he has had a solid full diaper.
- He has become the mostly smiley baby. It is amazing how he recognizes Chris and I an just gets this big old gummy smile. It melts my heart and takes my breath away every single time. I don't think I will ever get used to it!!
- Dr. O says he has the neck strength of a 6 month old. And man o man is he strong! If he kicks and you move into it hurts, when he gets a grip on your finger he doesn't let go.
- He is mostly a happy baby and seems to really appreciate being on a schedule, see below for talks of our schedule.
- On Tuesdays we go to bath time babies swim class 
- Harrison took his first road trip. We went to Houston for Thanksgiving. He did great!!
- He survived his 2 month shots with no reactions or fever. Phew! What a releif for mommy and daddy 
- He met the big guy aka Santa! He was not sure what to make of him. I think he did not appreciate Santa's beard. He didn't cry, but he most definitely didn't smile... See pictures below
- Grandpa, Uncle Paul, and Aunt Sue all came to Dallas to meet Harrison. He was instantly smitten and in love with his Grandpa! It was mutual!

Around thanksgiving, when we were in Houston he began only having one night waking for a nursing session, then back to sleep. It was amazing how much that change really benefited us as a family. We were all much happier and well rested.

Our schedule is:
(disclaimer: I keep to this time frame within the hour or 30 minutes. Some days he isn't interested in eating then, or he is sleeping, or he wants to eat a little sooner. I have learned to go with the flow and except that is is not going to be exactly the same each day. But I do keep it as close to the desired time as possible. Man parenting has made me flexible, I wouldn't go as far as to say I am no longer type A though... hehe)

- Wake around 7am
- Social time for 15-30mins
- Nurse 730am
- Read/Play/Talk/Activity mat for 15-30mins. Depending on when he starts to show signs of tiredness.
- Swaddle and Nap in swing from 8/830-10/1030. It is usually a good 2 hours. This is the time that I get things done, pump-clean-wrap Christmas presents-wash dishes-fold laundry-etc...
- Nurse 1030am
- Get dressed and hang in the solly wrap for  little and then we run our daily errand. Unless it is yucky weather, then we snuggle on the couch
- 130 Nurse
- 3pm take the pup dog on a walk and distract baby from wanting to eat
- We begin out cluster feeding at 4pm. Nurse 4pm.  We have found that if he stuff him he sleeps better.
- 430ish Daddy comes home
- 6 cluster feed session #2. Nurse 6pm.
- Cook dinner as a family after Harrison finishes nursing at 6
- I take a shower shortly after his 6pm nursing or after dinner. Then Chris takes Liuzza on a walk. If I am lucky I get a bath. A bath where the baby is not crying and I can enjoy it.
- Bath or butt wash (depending on the night) begins around 745/8. Also depends on how Harrison is and how his day went.
- Once he has been lotioned, massaged, and covered in lavender Christopher gives him his bottle that I pumped that morning. I pump while they bond and freeze what I pumped.
- Chris has been giving him the first 4 ounces and I finish up with 1-2 more.
- We then swaddle him and put him in his bassinet. This is usually around 830-930.
- Once he is down we both take full advantage of sleep and climb into bed until he wakes us up again.
- He wakes up for his night nursing around 3-330am. Knock on wood he would go back to sleep pretty easily after being nursed.
- He wakes up around 7 and we begin again!!

We are off to Louisiana for my cousin Ryan's wedding in Lafayette and 2 weeks home in NOLA. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!

Here is a glance at some of his second month:
The many faces of Harrison

A little play mat action. He isn't grabbing for anything yet. But he looks.

Gobble Gobble my first thanksgiving!! That top center photo... I die!

Meeting my Grandpa for the first time! They were both so in love

More and More face of Harrison

His Chong/Grumpy/Sir/Hondo/Name to be determined bought Harrison a camo outfit so he could be one of the hunting guys!

Snuggles with daddy. This was in the morning after he got up. He can get out of swaddles sometimes.

This is a glimpse of swim class. This is the goodbye/tummy time song. Harrison is going to work on tummy time

breakfast in my bumbo with my grandpa

Post 2 month shots passed out baby

Handsome 2 month photo shoot

toooo many cute photos

Play date with my bff Sofia


Ryan & Maurie's wedding. He was a champ!

Some more Harrison faces for your enjoyment!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Janes' have made it a month Y'all!

As I sit here (in the bath... thank you to my marvelous husband who is lovingly caring for our sometimes crying child) I think about this past month. It has been the most challenging, exhausting, educating, amazing, marvelous, spectacular, surreal, wild ride of our lives! I could keep going, but I will spare you, you get the picture! Harrison has made it a month in the care of these two brand new parents. Phew, that feels good! It seems so silly, a month is just a blip in time. It went so fast. We were tired most of it. I cried a few times. But we watched this incredible little human change some everyday. It is amazing how much love you can have for something so small!! I cant even explain it.

Harrison has been a joy to watch and love. Even when he is fussy (between 630-730pm), or wont go back to sleep without waking up a few times and having to be loved back to sleep (2/3/4am) we just love him so much. We spent the first two weeks with help from our parents and could not be more grateful for them. Then we were on our own, and I do believe we have done a great job. We have tried and bought about ten thousand different "swaddles" hoping for one to be "the one." I am beginning to think there is no perfect swaddle. He either HATES them, like hates them. Or he tolerates them, but they don't make a life altering difference in his sleep. We have tried:
- swaddle me
- wombie
- hospital blanket swaddle
- miracle blanket
- sleep sack
- aiden & anais swaddle blanket
- halo sleep sack
He went a few nights in each, except for the swaddle me and woombie. He lasted all of 2 seconds. He either gets out of it or gives you the look of death while screaming bloody murder. We have learned he does not care for his arms to be restricted but still be able to move them. So far the miracle blanket is the only one he tolerates. We are considering trying Merlins Magical Suit next. He likes the sleep sack, but then we are faced with the whole waking himself up when he flails his arms situation.

His favorite things these days seem to be:
-being held (24/7 if you let him). I wear him a lot. Sakura Bloom ring sling when out of the house and Solly Wrap when home. He is happiest there and our pedi says all is fine for now. I do try to put him in his crib, bouncer seat, and swing. Sometimes he goes for it, other times not. He will be content there for 5 minutes or 20. And other times he touches it and he disagrees. We had a few day stretch where he napped for 30min-2hr in his crib. That was nice.
- his fur sister. She loves him too so everyone wins here!
- nursing/eating... until this last week every few feeds he is fussy. We aren't sure what that's about, we may go to a lactation consultant for an opinion. He clearly is not lacking food though. See his one month check up report below.
- He enjoys the car once you first put him in and when you get moving. But if you wait too long between the two he lets you know he does not agree! The only place he will take a paci is the car. Which is fine, we offer and let him choose what he wants.
- The blow dryer. He has a pretty nasty diaper rash a few weeks back (when I was on antibiotics). So we would make sure his bottom was nice and dry. Man did the blow dryer change diaper changing. You start that thing blowing on him and he is a happy boy.
- Smiles in his sleep. so cute!

Things we have noticed:
- The saddest thing ever: he has tears when he cries. Breaks my heart!
- He has started talking to us. He says "ohh" or what sounds like it.
- He loves to look around and give you smiles
- He likes his butt washed nightly but does not care for baths in his bathtub. He enjoyed his shower with me though.
- He successfully took a bottle for the first time. On 10.15 at 430pm. He ate 2.5 oz and his daddy fed him! We thought he may want more after, but he did not. He happily fell asleep!
- He seems to like his daily book read. He has yet to actually look at the book, but since he doesn't scream his head off when we read I consider that a win!

One Month Check-Up stats:
- 12lbs 3oz
- 23 inches long
- 15.5 inches head circumference

First date! With Sofia

One month morning photoshoot

Wearing his first mono outfit from aunt Al and uncle Per! And his daddies gown. We also believe this gown was worn by his great uncle Timmy!

First bottle for Harrison and Chris

Success on all accounts

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Harrison's First Two Weeks

Lets begin where we left off after his birth... The Recovery Room.

So we were rolled into recovery, limp legs and all. My right more than my left, the feeling was coming back in my left leg. We just hung out and got monitored, mine was constant, Harrison's was random. We began to try breastfeeding and learned that the little stinker is a biter. Fortunately we got rid of that habit within the first day. Harrison was not very interested in eating, so we just did skin to skin and sat in awe of this little tiny human that we made. Christopher wore his hospital scrub shirt proudly with Harrison's feet prints on his chest.

Right around 2pm we were moved into our postpartum room and I was shifted onto my bed for the next few days. Man I could not WAIT to get all these wires off of me! Our family was able to come in and love on Harrison for a little while. Christopher got to introduce his son and finally reveal his name. It was a great time. They raided the gift shop and Harrison was given all sorts of goodies!! Then on we go into our first night as a family of three! Did I mention the wires I had: an epidural, an IV, two circulation things on my calf, a catheter, & a monitor on my big toe. They told me I had to keep the epidural, and then all the goodies as a result until the next day. So I did. But I made the nurse promise to take it out asap. She promised she would first thing in the am. I never pushed the "gimmie more epidural button" as I wanted my legs back 100%! As promised she came and unhooked everything first thing in the am. She wouldn't do the IV until I peed twice. Peeing has never been an issue for me, so we got that done real quick! Needless to say my first night was restless. Christopher and I were both SO tired from being up since 530 am Monday morning and we couldn't wait to sleep. However there were other plans for us. Christopher's "daddy bed" was incredibly uncomfy, he tried his hardest to sleep well, but it was not the best digs. Bless his heart for sucking that up for days. And little Harrison man had to spend the night in the nursery. There is a rule that if your baby was a c section one parent must be awake with him at all times and the lights on. Well as you can imagine neither of us were in any position to do that so we had to ship him to the nursery and his nurse for the night, Kerry (our fav) would bring him back every few hours for feedings. I cried and felt like a horrible mom, but turns out it was for the best bc he did in fact spit up/choke on the amniotic fluid in his lungs. And I am so glad that happened on the professionals time and not ours! It was a good first night all in all. Harrison would feed on my colostrum and breastfeeding seemed to be going great!

Wednesday we just hung out and discussed going home. My doctor basically said I was a freak of nature and was crazy c section lady as I didn't seem to be affected at all. He was ready to discharge us to come home on Wednesday. Harrison still needed to be seen by his pedi and then we would go from there. I was staring lovingly at Christopher while he held Harrison and they loved on each other. I told Christopher I thought Harrison looked a little jaundice, but I wasn't sure if it was the light or the couch. When Dr. Oved came and checked him out I expressed my concerns (jaundice & swelling on his head). The swelling was due to a very long and hard labor (see my birth story if you want the gory details) and that they were superficial and would go away within days to a month. The jaundice concern he had as well and said that when they whisked him away for his circumcision they would test his billiruben levels. Everyone came and saw him for a bit then they went home to pack for the airport, AJ, Ruth, & Little Titine had a flight that afternoon. Patrick left Tuesday night and Big Titine stayed here to take care of Liuzza. Harrison was taken for his circumcision and then we were told his levels were high and they wanted to start him right away on the billi light. It would be 3 hours on and 30 minutes off. In those 30 minutes they would bring him to me to nurse and then they would give him formula when he went back. I cried again. My baby who I never wanted to have formula was getting formula in his first few days. I cried more. My baby would be away from me for 3 hours and I only got him for 30 minutes. I cried. Needless to say I cried allot. Chris had to run home with everyone to see Liuzza and I called him, crying of course, when he was on his way back, almost there, so that made me feel a lot better. I knew that he needed the light and I knew he needed the formula, my milk wouldn't come in for days and he needed the good stuff to flush him out. I was lucky enough to be able to supply colostrum and then pump so we had more colostrum for his next feed. One cool thing was that Christopher got to feed Harrison, which many dads don't get to do in the first few days. It was with a syringe and amount changes depending on the pumping,  but I was fortunate to get to still feed my baby and pump for him.

So our next 36 hours consisted of setting an alarm for 5 minutes until he was set to arrive, feeding via boob and syringe & cuddling for 30 minutes. It ended up being 36 hours because his levels had only gone down from 12.5 to 10.2 to 9.1 to 8-something then finally 7.2! Dr. O wanted them between 8 & 9 to let us free!

We were finally told we can go home Friday! So Christopher and I enjoyed our celebration dinner of steak and lobster and just hung out anticipating what home life will be like. Harrison spent his last night continuing to get a suntan and we continued with the 3hr/30 min schedule. However, the night nurse was amazing and let us have wiggle room with him. More like 45 mins because he was looking so amazing and his levels were great. It was really just a "because you are here one more night" precaution. So we woke up Friday morning and began to talk about going home. My discharge papers were signed and I was allowed to walk. All we needed was Harrison to get his papers and Dr. O to come and speak with us. We packed up and got dressed, Christopher loaded the car and brought up Harrison's car seat. Harrison was released from the billilight/sun tan central and told he can stay with us! It was so exciting! So we began our life as a family of three! Our first "we shoulda read the manual" moment occurred! Wellll we shoulda read the car seat manual, Christopher spent a good 15 or 20 minutes adjusting and playing with the seat. I am pretty sure the nurses were just watching and laughing at us. Oh you silly first time parents! Any way we eventually got it figured out and were ready to go! Dr. O came and spoke with us and gave the all clear so off we went... Harrison is his car seat, me in my wheelchair, and Christopher walking! The Janes family now begins their life outside the hospital! Did I mention we were all decked out in Saints and LSU stuff so naturally took a family picture!

Now at home we really begin life. Big Titine (Cheech) and AJ (Chong) stayed through the weekend and my mom (Raine) came Sunday. Raine stayed until Thursday and Cheech came back Friday. Christopher left for Amsterdam on Friday and will be back Thursday. Man that is lots of coming and going! We are so lucky that we have such supportive parents and a helpful family!!! Friday (Halloween) starts our first days on our own!

Now back to Harrison! When we went for his one week check up, really 6 days, Harrison was a stud muffin! He had already surpassed his birth weight!! He was born at 8lbs 6oz, dropped to 8lbs even at the hospital, then left the hospital at 8lbs 3oz. Welllll drumroll please he was 8lbs 9.5oz!!! Go head little haus! I was so proud of him! What an amazing feeling to know that I did that, well we did that! Harrison and I worked together to feed him and help him grow. What an incredible thing to know! Did I mention that when we took Harrison's diaper off to weigh him he had a super dirty diaper. So being the amazingly considerate mom I am, I cleaned him and picked him up so that I could get all the caked on poop. Well sweet little Harrison chose that as an opportunity to pee on mommy. Yes sir, all over mommies belly! Good thing he is cute. I overlooked the fact that we were going to run errands after his appointment.

Today (10/28) We go to the doctor for his two week check up! I will report back with an update!

wearing his daddies coming home outfit

family snuggles

Daddies first diaper changer. ever!

Harrison Edmund Janes Has Arrived (Birth Story)

Alrighty, here goes Harrison's birth story. I am writing this off of memory and the documented timeline Christopher kept throughout the 18 hours we labored!  So please bear with me, well as far as the "my memory part" we all know Christopher's notes are perfect! See photo below to view the first page of his notes.


Monday morning October 13th
I spent the whole weekend trying various ways to naturally induce labor -- Clary Sage, Evening Primrose Oil, Red Raspberry Leaf, running/walking up the stairs, walking the dog, relaxation, reiki, etc... Well clearly no baby came so we went to my scheduled 1030 apt to see what was up. I was still (and had been for 3 weeks) -1 station, 50-70% effaced (depending on when you asked), and a new development I was 1cm dilated So basically I had not even begun to labor and Baby J was not anywhere near to making his appearance. So here I sit 41 weeks and 1 day and Dr. Jacoby says (what we knew was coming) "lets talk about induction, I am gonna give you time to talk, Ill be back." Well we knew this was what we would be faced with if he hadn't come by Monday, so yes it stunk but we were prepared. Chris had his briefcase and was ready to take his leave starting right then. We would rather get things going now than wait any longer. Chris was leaving for Amsterdam that next Thursday and we were both already very mixed about him leaving. So Dr. J comes back and asks if we are good to go, we answer yes, he steps back out to call the hospital to see about us getting in that day. Turns out they have room, yay! Butttt being the pumpkin obsessed woman I am I had just eaten a pumpkin bagel with pumpkin cream cheese. And if you know anything about hospitals, that is a huge no-no. So Dr. J talks them into letting us come at 3. I am still going as natural as I can, so I am not having an epidural and they have nothing to worry about. Well they listened and we were scheduled to check in at 3. Off we go to have our last few hours with our furbaby. We went home and walked Liuzza, showered, loaded the car, and set off!

Once we got to the hospital and got all checked in we were settled in L&D room 9. It was huge and at the end of the hallway, so we were feeling pretty fabulous. They immediately check me and get me hooked up on the monitors. I requested the telemetry monitor so that I could continue to be mobile as my labor progressed. Jenn had to keep adjusting the monitor because Baby J kept moving. I told them he wouldn't stop bc he was hungry and we hadn't eaten... Jenn tried twice to get my IV in and had trouble so she called Meg who got it on one shot. At 415 they began the IV fluids. at 453 they started the pitocin. 505 they began the antibiotics for GBS. At 520 I had my first popsicle! They also upped my pitocin to 4. Patrick got their right about 540. Apparently my contractions were rocking and rolling but I felt nothing so they upped pitocin to 6. My contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart but I was still feeling nothing. The nurses seemed surprised. They continued  to have to adjust the baby monitor because he continued the moving. At 7pm Jenn & Meg's shift ended and Ashley came on. PJ goes to get him and Christopher dinner around 8. Man it smelled good, I enjoyed my second popsicle. They upped pitocin to 8 and continued to adjust the baby monitor. At 9 they gave the second round of antibiotics. Patrick, Christopher, and I were just hanging out watching football! Thank heavens for MNF - San Francisco 49ers Vs. St. Louis Rams.

Dr. Jacoby comes around 920 to break my water. It was not incredibly exciting. I could feel him grabbing the bag of water twice and it slowly began to leak. Then I had a small gush of sorts. But don't be fooled once it is broken it does not all come out. Every time I stood up I had water come on out... sooooo fun and I am sure paints a great picture for you readers! Around 1030 I think I feel a contraction, it felt like gas. Again around 1120 I think I feel something in my back.

Tuesday October 14th, 2014
Continue from above. PJ goes out to meet everyone around 12 when they get there. I begin to feel contractions in the uncomfortable way. Not awful, but I can see how they could become bad. Everyone comes back in twos and says hi. They change my IV at 1227. Around 1am everyone heads home to get some sleep before the big labor gets going. Apparently I begin to shiver and we are not sure why! Ashley continues to make me get back in bed and try and find the babies heart rate. I continue to tell her he is going to keep moving because I am hungry! She did not seem very amused. They give me my third round of antibiotics. Around 2am I throw up. What I throw up or why I have no idea... Poor Christopher had stepped out to get water and I felt the urge to throw up. Bless his heart, I know that he was so upset for not being there for me. I break out the essential oils at this point because things are hurting and Ashley keeps making me get back in bed. I kept trying to labor on the ball or the toilet, anywhere but the bed! Everything gets worse on the bed! I could have sworn I was in transition... Ashley checks me at 245 and I was only 3cm dilated, 95% effaced and still -1 station. To say I felt defeated was an understatement. I was in awful pain. Pain that was not natural and came at the result of drugs. Drugs I did not want and never planned to have. I cried. Chris and I are both emotional at this point and discuss pain options. We decided to go with NuBain a pain med that would take the edge off. It did not feel like it helped any with contractions, but it did make me sleepy between them, which helped with the whole relaxing thing. Chris was incredible. He worked with me through every contraction. He was using counter pressure with tennis balls and anything else that we found to work. I would not, could not, no way have made it through a second of any laboring without him. Everyone says that labor brings you closer and lets you learn more about each other. It was an amazing experience to go through together and I will always be grateful for it. No matter how it panned out! At 510 I got the 4th round of antibiotics and a 2nd round of NuBain. Ashley checked me at 525 and I was 5cm, 100% effaced, and -1 station. Christopher's work alarm went off at 530 and we got a good laugh about that one. We had officially been awake for 24 hours! Come on Baby J we wanna meet you and then sleep for days! :) Around 6 I felt the need to push and told Ashley, she did not check me again and she told me not to push. Looking back I am super upset about that. I felt like I went from 5cm to 9 very quickly and had she checked me I would have been ready. Turns out it was for the best bc our favorite girlies - Meg & Jenn came back at 7. And we would not have been able to have done all that we did with out them! Jenn held the monitor on me and allowed me to move as I needed too, I could not have been more grateful because it helped contractions not be miserable. I told them I felt like I needed to push, they immediately checked me and said I was 9cm, 100%, & -1! Call Dr. Jacoby, we are gonna have this baby!!! I could not tell you how amazing those words were! Dr. Jacoby shows up at 735 straight from the gym, sweaty clothes and all, it made me love him even more! So for two hours I push and push. I push in every position I can. Baby J's head is right there but keeps going right back in. Dr. Jacoby says I am doing amazing and couldn't be better at pushing. Something is keeping him from coming out, because I would have been able to push him out in 3 pushes if not. Dr. J doesn't know if it is the babies head, my bones, or the way the baby is positioned. I have  a feeling it is not his position because he has been soooo good & in the perfect position for so long. Dr. J cant check the position without an epidural because it would be too painful, and the baby's head is too swollen to see his ears and tell if his chin is down or up. So after 2 hours I have never felt so physically exhausted. Dr. J mentions an epidural. He will be able to go in and feel the baby and possibly help him out. He also says he thinks it will relax things a little and maybe give the baby a little more help on the way out. So once again we are faced with another thing we did not want in our labor and delivery. We decide it is the next best thing before a c section and go with it. Chris says looking back he is pretty sure Dr. Jacoby knew that I would need a c section, but he also knew how strong willed I was and that I wasn't going to consent until I had gotten to try everything possible! I am again eternally grateful to him for the constant support.

Well, Dr. J goes home to shower and the anesthesiologist comes into to get the leg numbing drugs going. Before they get things going I ask if I can brush my teeth and wash my face. They let me do all of the things I want before I am stuck in bed for the foreseeable future. An hour passes and Dr. J comes back. He checks me and says everything is perfect and the baby has been in the perfect position the whole time. It is in fact my pelvis that is keeping him from coming out... My body. MY amazing body is what is not allowing my sweet baby boy out of me. I could have chosen to feel betrayed, but I decided that will do nothing good. So we push for another 40 mins and nothing has changed. I had to have oxygen and sit out a few contractions because his oxygen was not as good as they wanted. He was never actually in distress, just getting pretty exhausted. Mommy feels your pain buddy boy. It has been a long day. So the dreaded end game that we all knew was a possibility is thrown on the table. It is time for a c-section. Everyone could not be more amazing, they kept reminding me that this is not a failure. I have been strong, I have done everything I could. And I need to be okay with this. Chris and I both cry, then I enter a stage of surrealness - numbness even. I knew that at the end of this I would have my baby and he would be okay, I knew that I really did do everything I could, I knew that my doctor and nurses were incredible and let me do whatever I wanted, and I knew I had the most incredible support system in my husband. But I still went into a state of  this is what is happening, this is what I didn't want, but I need to be okay with it.

Off to the OR we go. I am shaking, they it is the epidural. My teeth are clattering insanely. Chris had to spend the whole time massaging my jaw because it hurt so bad. Even as I sit here at my kitchen table and my baby sleeps in his bouncer seat I can instantly feel the pain in my jaw.

To say that the whole process of having a c-section was wild, well it was wild. Surreal, unbelievable, dreamlike, not-real... I can go on and on of just how it felt and never really be able to communicate how I felt laying there being cut into. Then hearing my baby cry. I cant see him. But I can hear him. I couldn't feel him come out of my body, but I knew it happened (in 7 short minutes). It was not the birth that I imagined. All I could think was I don't want him to be alone. I wanted Chris to stay with him the whole time. Chris came back to me to show me pictures he had taken on his phone, I couldn't look, I just wanted him to be with Harrison, to make sure that Harrison knew he was safe. That I was so sorry they were sticking things down his throat and up his nose. That is no way to come into the world. I am so grateful that he wont have any memory of his first days because they were traumatic to say the least. So as I lay there, still shaking, I knew I had a baby but I didn't feel like I had a baby. That may or may not make sense. I think because we had been planning for this natural birth with no medicine it felt more dreamlike to have all the medicine flowing through me and not be allowed a vaginal birth. We did do what we knew was best with a c-section - double suture for future vaginal success and having Harrison brought to me as soon as possible. Fortunately he never had to leave the room. So as far as a c-section goes everything went great. However Dr. J did inform me afterwards that he did double suture as I requested, but that the chances of my being able to have future vaginal births is slim. Because I pushed so hard and so long I ended up with two tears in my uterus. He repaired them both but if I were to try and push for future births there is a very large chance my uterus will rupture. He also said he is pretty positive my pelvis is not going to allow for a vaginal birth. It happens, not often, but every once in a while a body comes along that just cant accommodate having a baby vaginally. I wonder if it has anything to do with my hip and hip surgery. I am not sure that we will ever find an answer to that. But as Dr. Jacoby said we will cross that bridge when we get there for the next one. I was also told that Meg had to go in vaginally and push Harrison out. He had no interest in entering the world. I am pretty sure he'd stay inside me forever. My sweet little stubborn mamas boy!

Off to the recovery room we go! You can pick up where we left off in the next post.

So there is my birth story. I hope it wasn't too gruesome or detailed for you the readers. I do not know that I can really put into words how it felt to labor for 18 hours and actually have a baby. It was an amazing experience that I will forever be grateful for. I know that I had a "vision" of Harrison's birth and that it would go a certain way. Well it didn't. And that's okay. I am okay with it. I always will know that I did everything I could and tried as hard as I could. I will always be thankful for the team we had and the experience that it gave Chris and I. And I will forever be in awe of this amazing little life that we created. I look at him often (now for example as he sleeps in my Solly Wrap) and just think wow. That is it, wow.

Here he is!!!!

before leaving for the hospital

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Harrison's Many Firsts

Here are a list of the things Harrison has accomplished in his first few weeks of life!!

10/25/14- First trip to Target!
10/28/14 - Moves into size 1 diapers! We alternate Honest and Pampers Swaddlers. Honest during the day Swaddlers at night.
10/28/14 - First time reaching 10 lbs! He was officially 10lbs 2oz at his two week checkup! Little man is a growing boy! Here is the weight gain/loss of Harrison: Born at 8.6, got down to 8 at the hospital, left the hospital at 8.3. And then he was 8.9 1/2 at his one week checkup!
10/29/14 - Moves up a spot in his carseat shoulder holes. He started on the 2nd one and is now on the third.
10/29/14- Harrison's first lunch & mall outing. He did great! Slept the whole time in his Sakura. Cheech, Harrison, and I went to Bistro N and then Janie & Jack in Northpark. He was rewarded with three new outfits... mommy couldnt resist!
10/29/14 - First diaper change in the trunk of the car. Followed by first feeding in the car!
10/31/14 - First Halloween!
11/1/14- First time he went 4 hours between feeds during the night. He has been doing at least one 4 hour stretch during the day for the last few days.

I know that he will have many more firsts! But these were just the ones that I could spit out quickly and off the top of my sleep deprived head!

Side Note:
- Sorry there is no fun font on this post...
- Sorry there are no pictures on this post
- Birth Story and First Two Weeks coming soon!! I just need to finish them!

Friday, October 10, 2014

40 Weeks & 4 days!

Baby J seems to be in no hurry to leave mommies belly! A friend of mine sent me this hysterical photo (see below). Oh my gosh, I seriously think that is Baby J!!

I really cannot complain. Yes I am 40 weeks and 3 days, yes I want to meet my baby, & yes I am not the most comfortable I have ever been in my life. But at the end of the day my body is doing this incredible task of carrying my baby boy. And not only have I been able to carry and care for him for 9 (10 months) I am one of the lucky ones who can carry him for 40 weeks. I know that may seem crazy, but my body and my baby have worked together to keep in safe and healthy for this long. I feel very indebeted to them. I know it is hard work and they both must be exhausted. I hope that when Baby J makes his moves all the prep we have done for my mind will assist them! Okay, sappy blurb over!

Baby J Updates this week:
- Wellllll we went today for my post-date check-up! Here is what we learned: I am still -1 station& 70% effaced. BUTTT I was 1 cm dialated, so he was able to sweep some membranes. I think he would have liked to get more, but did what he could!! So hopefully things get going. I then came home and walked the stairs and then ran the stairs, thennnn walked ciricles around the house. My dog and husband think I am crazy! Here is hoping for some motion!!
- Christopher and I celebrated Baby J's due date (2 days late). We went to this new farm to table place called Harvest. So so so yummm! We will def go back! It was a fabulous eveving and I really thought it would bring the baby out.... false. He is staying!

That is pretty much it on the baby front for now! I will report back when we know more!!

P.s. I am skipping the weekly rote updates. Because I dont want to. The end!

Friday, October 3, 2014

39 weeks... 2 days til full term!

So as I sit here on my back porch enjoying our first taste of "fall" weather (it is currently 75 and sunny with a soft breeze), I cannot help but think about how our lives are all going to change so much in the upcoming weeks. They are going to change for the absolute best reason, a baby, but change they will! I keep picturing all of these things I saw for myself as a mother and they feel so real now! For example on a beautiful day like to today Liuzza and I wouldn't be the only ones enjoying the weather, Baby J will be here. I can see him laying on a blanket getting his first tastes of the outdoors! It is so exciting to think about! SO exciting in fact that I have to keep reeling myself back into reality and not lala land. I am so ready for him to be here so we can do all of these things, but I know that he needs to come when he is ready. Let me just tell you, it is SO MUCH easier to say "I trust you to come when you are ready" and "I know you will come when you are ready," than it is to 100% follow suit. Don't get me wrong, I do trust him and my body to do what they are meant to, and I know that everything will work out as it is supposed to, but man o man waiting is hard!!! I don't think I have ever wanted something SO bad before. But I am doing my darndest to be a patient mommy! Christopher is doing a much better job than me....

Baby J Tidbits for the Week:
- He is right where he was last week: 60/70% effaced, -1 station, & no dilation. My Dr. did say that I could walk out of his office and my water break, so you cant put stock into the info. I will say I thought I would be deflated to hear that, like man my baby is not coming today or tomorrow. But honestly I was okay. I kid a lot about him coming early or taking his dear sweet time, but at the end of the day I do know that he will do things in his own time and on his own terms. Very much like his father when he proposed. I have to sit back, throw my hands up, and let it go!
- Aunt KK sent Baby J the cutest little hand knit turtle shell and beanie to wear for his new born pictures. And of course snapchats galore! She is so sweet to think of him, just because!
- Speaking of letting go, I am going to attach a picture below that is a poem of letting go. My prenatal yoga instructor read it to us and it really resonated with me!
- I froze my yoga membership for the foreseeable future and am not really sure how I will be able to get back to my 5-7 days of yoga when Baby J is here. I don't have anyone that can watch him for an hour while I run out, and I know I wont want to leave in the evenings for night classes. That is the time I get to spend with Christopher. Soooo as with everything else we seem to be in a waiting game and will see what happens. I was thinking maybe we changed gyms from 24hr to Lifetime because their yoga is phenomenal (lots of my studio instructors teach there) and their childcare is great too! It is pricier, but maybe once we see what we paid at 24Hr plus Vibe it will work out. Who knows, we need to look into it! Another task added to the to do list!

Weekly Rote Questions:
Week: 39 (officially full term if you ask the nurses wearing 39 buttons at Baylor Frisco!)

Weight Gain: Mama has officially gained her "I don't wanna gain more than 40/45" weight. I fluctuate between 40-45 depending on when I step on the scale 

Maternity Clothes: Same ole boring ones! Haven't even worn the pair of linen pants, I hate them every time I put them on. My regular maxi dresses and skirts have been my BFFs! I actually was told today by my friend Becky how fabulous I look and that she couldn't believe I was 39 weeks. Thanks girl! Mama likes the compliments! 

Wedding Ring On/Off: These bad boys have been off for weeks, for fear of them getting stuck and having to be cut off. Then my sweet engravings would be forever gone! I did ditch the fake bling too... that thing was a chunky monkey and annoyed the poop out of me. So now I just look like a single, knocked up, preggies slut! Oh well... what cha gonna do! Christopher so sweetly commented "wanna know why pregnant girls without rings get hit on?" (of course Christopher I am DYING to know) "Because guys know they are easy..." he is so charming.... so charming!  

Sleeping: Same pattern - like a rock for the first half, then all the peeing starts. It is like breaking the seal, get up once get up 5-7 times! 

Weekly Highlight: Knowing how close I am to meeting my little guy! 

Stretch Marks: the weirdest things! I seriously feel like they look lighter, like they are going away.. that's just not possible! 

Cravings/Food Things: Give me the sweets! I am a little fat kid! 

Labor Signs: Nope, well not any that I know are signs. I am ready to experience some though! I hope that's not a be careful what you wish for moment! 

Missing Anything In Particular This Week: Being able to walk Liuzza for more than 1-1.5 miles. And yoga

Weekly Mood: Excited!!

Whatcha Looking Forward Too: Sunday - His due date! 

Workout This Week: Just walking as much as I can! Walking in the am and most nights in the pm. There have been a few nights here and there where Christopher and Liuzza had to walk without me. And prenatal yoga! But I need to look into Yogavibes.com and see about doing home practice.

Gender: Baby boy.... DUH!

puppy collage of her last few days as an only child

aunt KK... stop the cuteness!

Thank you yogi tea!

Do I look like a lady about to "pop?"

She Let Go... amazing!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

38 Weeks - mommy intuition 1-1

I had my first vaginal exam this week. Totally not the big scary & painful event it has been described as. Honestly it is preferable to an annual with the duck bill speculum. Anywhoooo with my exam I learned that my prediction of Baby J arriving with the new moon on Sept 24th was unlikely. I was 60% effaced (how thin my cervix is), -1 station (how far into the pelvis the baby's head is, & as far as dilation, I was closed up real tight. And still had a posterior facing cervix. Baby J is still in the ideal head down-face back position. He has been there from the start and I keep telling him he must stay there! 

Oh well, the 24th and new moon have come and gone and Baby J is a happy little boy in his mommies belly. I am officially 1 for 1 on my mommy intuition. Yes, you are a boy, no you are not coming on the 24th. So now we wait! We are ready, everything is ready. I keep thinking that there must be one thing left I am missing and that is why he isn't here yet... I haven't found that "one thing" yet!

Liuzza is making me feel like he is gonna be here soon. She is freakishly more clingy than usually and must touch me. It is sweet and I love it, but it also makes me sad for her. I don't want her to be sad or left out. I know it will  be an adjustment with her and the baby, but I am just hoping for the absolutely best and that we will all adapt and change to our new life and addition!

Baby J Updates this Week:
- Bought shutters for his name above the crib! Trade days was very successful. Shutters have been painted and hung!
- Crib sheets have been washed
- The nursery is 100% ready, just needs a baby. And for me to hang his banner above his crib.
- We went to our first hospital class last night. It was a breast-feeding class. We learned a lot. Especially that in the first 10 days baby must eat every 3 hours. After that you can left them sleep through the night if they will. So that was interesting. We learned lots of other stuff as well, but that stuck with me. I was planning on letting him sleep as long as he wanted, as long as the Dr. says he is good with his weight. 

Side Note: There are currently three different guessing pools with varying prizes for Baby J's bday, weight, & name. They are as follows:
- From the shower everyone guessed his name, his weight, and his bday. Christopher and I apparently must provide champagne to the winner of each category. We have the note cards to double check once he is here!
- Immediate Janes/Demberg Siblings/Parents guessed on date and weight. The prize for this naturally gets to be Baby J's favorite person. Titine (Aunt Chi Chi) believes she is going to be his favorite. Lets see if she is right!
- Baby J Sweepstakes, very much like the Super Bowl Squares. Everyone picked random squares. Christopher and I then pulled numbers out of a hat to assign pounds and ounces to the chart. This game is the Dembergs/McPeek and Janes' as well as a few of our friends here. The winner gets a $400 pot. GO 'head winner! My Dad and cousin Ryan said we should have said Baby J should get $100 and the winner $300. We didn't think about that. Oh Well! Its all for fun!!!
fall mantle + Baby J sweepstakes 

close up

Week: 38

Sleeping: Surprisingly well! I have been doing this Apana meditation each night and I think that helps! I sleep great for most of the night, I get up to pee lots and am usually wide awake for a little after that. But I am lucky for the overall!

Weekly Highlight: My first vaginal exam and learning that I am at least in the early beginning stages of labor. 

Stretch Marks: Same ones I have! My belly button is a perfect circle... it is very weird!

Cravings/Food Things: Lots of sweets!

Labor Signs: I maybe have felt some cramps, or weird things. But I have nothing major happening! At least that I know of!

Missing Anything In Particular This Week: Nope

Weekly Mood: Excited and Happy!!! 

Whatcha Looking Forward Too: McKinney Oktoberfest and Saints v Cowboys game. We have been offered tickets, but it is an 8 o clock game, and mommy cant make it that late. I feel like the worlds worst fan, but it is a long event for us to get to At&t stadium and back home. It is exhausting when not 38 weeks preggies, soooo at a whopping 39 weeks on Sunday I am gonna lay on my couch and cuddle with my puppy and HubsMan and cheers my boys on! And cheer my baby boy out!

Workout This Week: Our walks have downgraded from 2.5/2 miles to a solid 1.5/1.7 miles. I feel bad bc I feel like Liuzza is getting the short end of the stick, but I cant go any further. I try to spend a good bit of time outside with her bc the weather has been fab. Hoping that helps!

Holy belly paw paw

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Offical 9th month of pregnancy! 36 weeks!

Wowza, this is real! We have t-minus 4 weeks to go until the official "40 week" mark! Today we had our 36 week check-up! Which included a sonogram. Did not (and will not) include vaginal exams until week 38. Dr. J doesn't like to do them unless necessary to expose you to less discomfort and possible infection. Turns out I am one of those lucky broads who has tested positive for Strep B. So I get a nice antibiotic cocktail in the form of an IV when I arrive at the hospital. Good thing, Dr J reassured me, this by no means I am attached to an IV for the remainder. I will have to keep the saline lock in (which I knew) for those "just in cases" but once the antibiotic is done I can be a free mobile woman again!

Pregnancy/Appointment Updates and Tidbits:
- Baby J weighs 7lbs (give or take a pound, usually it is take a pound)
- Baby J still has quite a large amount of hair. The sono tech is still blown away at its amounts! haha!
- Baby J's head is in the 97th percentile! Holy big head! He is in the 78th percentile.
- Fluid, placenta, and all that jazz is fabulous and perfect! Yay!
- Baby J is facing in the correct position, down and anterior (face back towards spine). Lets hope this position   makes for an easy delivery of his cute and fabulous big furry head!
- I have been doing a lot of visualizations. Positive of course!! I am really a firm believer in the power of positivity! I think the mind is a huge player in birth and I hope that all of my preparation will make for an easy birth for me and Baby J!
- We traded in our oh so amazing pack n play (thank you for the generous gift Aunt Sayrah & Uncle JayRed). We ended up with so many pieces parts and extra things (bassinet, changing table, etc...) that we wouldn't use. When we originally registered it was perfect because we had nothing, but now that we are going through things we realize that we want to keep it simple. A pack n play will strictly be for travel, it wont get much use otherwise. So we (Christopher) began researching what was best for us... We were living the 4Moms, but the steep $300 bucks made it no bueno for us. SO we ended up with the Joovy Room2 Playyard. It is fabulous and a giant square of play area and sleep area. We need to order the special sheets for it of course since it is a square. But it was $120 and much more reasonably in our budget.
- We have almost booked our new born photographer! We know we are going with April Murphy, a friend of our friends Erika & Justin. She is fab and we cant wait to use her!! In case you are interested in reading about Erika, Justin, and their cutie pie twins- Keegan & Noelle, you can hop on over to her blog! Here it is: http://www.twobucklemyshoe.blogspot.com
- I made the monthly signs for Baby J's first year of life! 

We cannot even wait or wrap our minds around how close we are!!! I think everything that "needs" to be done is. I have a few things I would "like" to get done. But it is not the end of the world if they don't get done. We have a family pool going on guess for when Baby J shall arrive and how much he shall weigh. See the picture below for the votes!

I feel (and have felt) that Baby J will arrive on September 24th. It is a Wednesday and a New Moon. What better way to celebrate a New Moon than with new life! That would put us in week 38. Which I actually have been feeling he would come in before I settled on the 24th. Christopher think he will come on October 7th, the 8th is a full moon. Its crazy! We did both choose 9lbs 7oz, without knowing the other chose that! haha!

And here is the weekly fil in the blanks!

Week: 36 (wah wah... we are in the last month!)

Maternity Clothes: I have been loving Chris' basketball shorts! 

Wedding Ring On/Off: It is officially off. It was not that I needed it to be off, I just got scared they were gonna cut it off if it got too tight!!! So now I switched to my gaudy david yurman knock off.... I feel so weird without my ring!

Sleeping:  Well this is a new fun! I sleep really hard the first half of the night, then am pretty wide awake the second half. I wonder what my body is preparing me for.

Weekly Highlight: Getting to hear how amazing out sweet angel boy is!!

Stretch Marks: Sadly (but I am embracing them as part of the miracle that is happening in my body) I have gotten more. Still concentrated only on the right of my belly button. But they are there non the less. 

Cravings/Food Things: I really wanted Brothers Pizza all week, so we got it Wednesday night. Then of course my belly was hurting so much (who knows why, maybe a sign of the sore throat coming) I couldn't eat anything but the crust! 

Labor Signs: Nope! But my back def hurts more. It comes and goes and then I am good. None of my usual tricks are working though! Maybe its a start!!!! 

Missing Anything In Particular This Week: Bending over, like really big! I cant do any type of bending movement it squishes the baby and my organs... all of them rebel! 

Weekly Mood: I am have been pretty tired this week. Definitely moving slower. And I woke up with a sore throat on Thursday. I am giving my young living EOs a test this week!

Whatcha Looking Forward Too: Trade Days & possible balloon fest this weekend!!! 

Workout This Week: Walking & yoga! Fortunately I have been able to get all but one of my yoga classes this week. So fab! Walking is still going strong. Slower on some days than others, but we are still a going strong. I have been trying to do a different route each day so that the pup dog doesn't get so set on a routine. Maybe it will help with the bebe!

Week 36! It is getting pointy!

I am pretending it is fall and making pumpkin thangs! Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins here! 

Super pumped about our Joovy Room2!

Shows one of the monthly signs! 

Everyone's guesses! Just missing Franks!