Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Harrison's First Two Weeks

Lets begin where we left off after his birth... The Recovery Room.

So we were rolled into recovery, limp legs and all. My right more than my left, the feeling was coming back in my left leg. We just hung out and got monitored, mine was constant, Harrison's was random. We began to try breastfeeding and learned that the little stinker is a biter. Fortunately we got rid of that habit within the first day. Harrison was not very interested in eating, so we just did skin to skin and sat in awe of this little tiny human that we made. Christopher wore his hospital scrub shirt proudly with Harrison's feet prints on his chest.

Right around 2pm we were moved into our postpartum room and I was shifted onto my bed for the next few days. Man I could not WAIT to get all these wires off of me! Our family was able to come in and love on Harrison for a little while. Christopher got to introduce his son and finally reveal his name. It was a great time. They raided the gift shop and Harrison was given all sorts of goodies!! Then on we go into our first night as a family of three! Did I mention the wires I had: an epidural, an IV, two circulation things on my calf, a catheter, & a monitor on my big toe. They told me I had to keep the epidural, and then all the goodies as a result until the next day. So I did. But I made the nurse promise to take it out asap. She promised she would first thing in the am. I never pushed the "gimmie more epidural button" as I wanted my legs back 100%! As promised she came and unhooked everything first thing in the am. She wouldn't do the IV until I peed twice. Peeing has never been an issue for me, so we got that done real quick! Needless to say my first night was restless. Christopher and I were both SO tired from being up since 530 am Monday morning and we couldn't wait to sleep. However there were other plans for us. Christopher's "daddy bed" was incredibly uncomfy, he tried his hardest to sleep well, but it was not the best digs. Bless his heart for sucking that up for days. And little Harrison man had to spend the night in the nursery. There is a rule that if your baby was a c section one parent must be awake with him at all times and the lights on. Well as you can imagine neither of us were in any position to do that so we had to ship him to the nursery and his nurse for the night, Kerry (our fav) would bring him back every few hours for feedings. I cried and felt like a horrible mom, but turns out it was for the best bc he did in fact spit up/choke on the amniotic fluid in his lungs. And I am so glad that happened on the professionals time and not ours! It was a good first night all in all. Harrison would feed on my colostrum and breastfeeding seemed to be going great!

Wednesday we just hung out and discussed going home. My doctor basically said I was a freak of nature and was crazy c section lady as I didn't seem to be affected at all. He was ready to discharge us to come home on Wednesday. Harrison still needed to be seen by his pedi and then we would go from there. I was staring lovingly at Christopher while he held Harrison and they loved on each other. I told Christopher I thought Harrison looked a little jaundice, but I wasn't sure if it was the light or the couch. When Dr. Oved came and checked him out I expressed my concerns (jaundice & swelling on his head). The swelling was due to a very long and hard labor (see my birth story if you want the gory details) and that they were superficial and would go away within days to a month. The jaundice concern he had as well and said that when they whisked him away for his circumcision they would test his billiruben levels. Everyone came and saw him for a bit then they went home to pack for the airport, AJ, Ruth, & Little Titine had a flight that afternoon. Patrick left Tuesday night and Big Titine stayed here to take care of Liuzza. Harrison was taken for his circumcision and then we were told his levels were high and they wanted to start him right away on the billi light. It would be 3 hours on and 30 minutes off. In those 30 minutes they would bring him to me to nurse and then they would give him formula when he went back. I cried again. My baby who I never wanted to have formula was getting formula in his first few days. I cried more. My baby would be away from me for 3 hours and I only got him for 30 minutes. I cried. Needless to say I cried allot. Chris had to run home with everyone to see Liuzza and I called him, crying of course, when he was on his way back, almost there, so that made me feel a lot better. I knew that he needed the light and I knew he needed the formula, my milk wouldn't come in for days and he needed the good stuff to flush him out. I was lucky enough to be able to supply colostrum and then pump so we had more colostrum for his next feed. One cool thing was that Christopher got to feed Harrison, which many dads don't get to do in the first few days. It was with a syringe and amount changes depending on the pumping,  but I was fortunate to get to still feed my baby and pump for him.

So our next 36 hours consisted of setting an alarm for 5 minutes until he was set to arrive, feeding via boob and syringe & cuddling for 30 minutes. It ended up being 36 hours because his levels had only gone down from 12.5 to 10.2 to 9.1 to 8-something then finally 7.2! Dr. O wanted them between 8 & 9 to let us free!

We were finally told we can go home Friday! So Christopher and I enjoyed our celebration dinner of steak and lobster and just hung out anticipating what home life will be like. Harrison spent his last night continuing to get a suntan and we continued with the 3hr/30 min schedule. However, the night nurse was amazing and let us have wiggle room with him. More like 45 mins because he was looking so amazing and his levels were great. It was really just a "because you are here one more night" precaution. So we woke up Friday morning and began to talk about going home. My discharge papers were signed and I was allowed to walk. All we needed was Harrison to get his papers and Dr. O to come and speak with us. We packed up and got dressed, Christopher loaded the car and brought up Harrison's car seat. Harrison was released from the billilight/sun tan central and told he can stay with us! It was so exciting! So we began our life as a family of three! Our first "we shoulda read the manual" moment occurred! Wellll we shoulda read the car seat manual, Christopher spent a good 15 or 20 minutes adjusting and playing with the seat. I am pretty sure the nurses were just watching and laughing at us. Oh you silly first time parents! Any way we eventually got it figured out and were ready to go! Dr. O came and spoke with us and gave the all clear so off we went... Harrison is his car seat, me in my wheelchair, and Christopher walking! The Janes family now begins their life outside the hospital! Did I mention we were all decked out in Saints and LSU stuff so naturally took a family picture!

Now at home we really begin life. Big Titine (Cheech) and AJ (Chong) stayed through the weekend and my mom (Raine) came Sunday. Raine stayed until Thursday and Cheech came back Friday. Christopher left for Amsterdam on Friday and will be back Thursday. Man that is lots of coming and going! We are so lucky that we have such supportive parents and a helpful family!!! Friday (Halloween) starts our first days on our own!

Now back to Harrison! When we went for his one week check up, really 6 days, Harrison was a stud muffin! He had already surpassed his birth weight!! He was born at 8lbs 6oz, dropped to 8lbs even at the hospital, then left the hospital at 8lbs 3oz. Welllll drumroll please he was 8lbs 9.5oz!!! Go head little haus! I was so proud of him! What an amazing feeling to know that I did that, well we did that! Harrison and I worked together to feed him and help him grow. What an incredible thing to know! Did I mention that when we took Harrison's diaper off to weigh him he had a super dirty diaper. So being the amazingly considerate mom I am, I cleaned him and picked him up so that I could get all the caked on poop. Well sweet little Harrison chose that as an opportunity to pee on mommy. Yes sir, all over mommies belly! Good thing he is cute. I overlooked the fact that we were going to run errands after his appointment.

Today (10/28) We go to the doctor for his two week check up! I will report back with an update!

wearing his daddies coming home outfit

family snuggles

Daddies first diaper changer. ever!

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