Start Date: Thursday April 20th
Method: Oh Crap Potty Training Book
Day One Recap: Today was naked day. Or as Harrison likes to refer to it as "naked butt" day. He wore a shirt and nothing else. We put his little elmo potty in the breakfast area, along with some books. He started the morning off by throwing away two diapers. We talked about how at nap time he will be wearing pull-ups and bedtime he still will wear a sleepy diaper. He wasn't thrilled, but he went with it. I would call today a huge success. He had two accidents - both were my fault. I invited him to watch me pee and he watched and then pee'd on the floor right in front of me. The second was when I thought I could get a little computer time in while he was playing. Both times he stopped and finished when we got him on the potty. He did a mix of the big white potty and his little elmo potty. There were no poops today but countless pees. I did not prompt, but would have him go and sit every so often. 2x I saw his "I am about to pee" cue - turns out that is him looking down at his penis. We got to the potty in time both times. The big kicker was shortly after going pee on his little potty he told me "I have more pee pee." Then he sat down and pee'd all on his own. You should have seen me doing my crazy excited dance. He was so proud and so was I. I call today a success and am fully prepared to have more challenges tomorrow. We are going to go into block 2: comando. He will be wearing shorts but no underwear. Here goes nothing.
Day Two Recap: Harrison woke up completely dry. It was amazing and has never happened. He then pee'd a ton in the potty and we put shorts on to go commando. I knew he had to poop so kept him by me for pancake making. When I was on the last batch he slipped away, squatted next to his potty and pooped in his shorts. We cleaned it up and moved on. We went outside an hour or so later and were playing. All of a sudden Harrison runs towards the door saying, "poop!" Again the poop was in his shorts, but I think it is an improvement that he was moving towards the door and towards what I like those was his potty. The rest of the day went great no accidents until the early evening we were outside playing and he had two pee accidents. Both again we caught and he stopped and got the rest out on the potty/the bush in the backyard.
Day Three Recap: He again went to sleep with a diaper and woke up dry!! I think this is huge! We went on out first outing. We went to the gym to watch daddy play basketball and play a little with him. We were gone around 45m and he did great!
Skip Ahead: (lets be real, I was impressed I could document this well for 3 days). We are a month into potty training and Harrison has truly amazed me. We never had pee accidents. And have had a handful of poo accidents. The accidents came because I let him go play and did not have hime go potty first. It is still exhausting to always be stressing over someone elses potty needs. But I figure one day I won't have to worry about H and start worrying about D. Overall I could not be more impressed with Harrison. Like everything else we have thrown at him he really worked hard and succeed. There were plenty of frustrating times along the way. But big picot: he rocks!
Harrison (2.5)
Douglas (14-15m)
- Went on his first play place. At CFA he climbed right up. Played around and then came down he slide with H. I let him go back up because it waste crowded. But started to get crowded and of course he went all the way over to the car and wouldn't come down. He had a blast and this sweet older sister got him out for me. Stinker, I thought I was going to have to go up. And aint no body wanna see that!- He is really starting to talk more. He has always babbled and told you stories, but now his words are actually coming. He says things that sound very much like what he is asking you to do, but it is definitely not clear and you need the context. He says "mommy, daddy, bubble, water (wawa), milk (meh), binky (buhbee), ow, uhoh, roar (when playing with dinosaurs), more (moh),
- He is getting pretty independent, but still very much a mommy's boy! Haha! He will go and do things and then I hear "mommmmeeee" and know he needs to see me.
- He is finally walking!!!! He would take a few steps, then fall and crawl. But something clicked when we were at the beach, he really just started and hasn't stopped. Its been great! He does this really hard giant stomping walking. It is super adorable. He seems to be a bit bowlegged.
April Recap
I will need to come back and fill in here. I cannot keep on top of these monthly posts!
May Recap
- We went to gulf shores with the Hester's for a week at the end of the month. It was super fun! The boys just love love love the beach. We did not get to spend as much time on the beach because it was super windy and the water was rough. But they loved the sand and could not get enough. I am pretty sure Douglas pooped sand for days. We stayed at Martinique on The Gulf. It was truly a perfect little family place. We had a blast!- I flew solo with the boys by myself for the first time. They really did great, even with an on plane delay they did awesome. Harrison was in bigly undies and had no accidents. I was super impressed.
- Speaking of no accidents. We drove to and from gulf shores (3.5-4hr to NOLA) and then NOLA to Dallas (8hr) in undies. He did so awesome! Even pooped in public places like no biggie. So proud go him! He is very anti pull ups, example if I put one on him for nap he takes it off. So we just do undies for nap. He still does a diaper for bed 50/50 wakes up dry.
- Harrison finish his first year of school. He truly loved it. Still will cry when he asks to go to school and I tell him he cat until September. Its pretty adorable and heartbreaking.
- We switched to the sibling class at My Gym. Douglas can officially do things now and he is no longer free. He does love it though. He gets to actually swing and do the big adventures. He is not as inclined to do things like grab the bar. I think H was doing them at this age, but to be far we started Little Gym with H pretty early on. Douglas does love to froward roll and climb things. He has zero fear here. It is pretty impressive. He was climbing before he was walking technically.
- Anthony & Vanessa got married in the Pass. We were all there and it was super fun! The kids were crazy and we did not stay very long into the reception because we drove back to NOLA and had earlier driven in from Gulf Shores. We are very happy for them!
- Cheech & Chong came to visit. They kept the boys for us for the day/night so we could drive to Behn and Kelsey's wedding. It just so happened to be the day the roofers finally showed up and did the roof. We are eternally grateful to them. Of course and always!
- Both our fence and roof were beat up and knocked down during the horrible storms in April. So we are officially poor now, send money. But we have a beautiful new roof and fence. Lets hope we never have to replace them again. ouch.
Ransom things I have kept track of in my notes on my phone from March, April & May:
Harrison Things:
- I have good idea
- orjange (still my favorite word he says, this is for the color orange)
- 3.24: I'm have a good idea, tape!
- 3.27: got H up from rest time. I was carrying him out and I said "I love you Harrison" and gave him a kiss. He said "I love you mommy." I love catching glimpses of these amazing little hearts full of love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- 3.29: orjenge doll & open house
-4.27: H. A. R. R. I. S. what come after S? I said o comes after S. He then said: O. N. Harrison!!!
- 5.5: h: I want another napkin me: why h: cause I have two feet
- watching Moana: "I am Maui. Mommy is Moana. And Douglas is the chicken."
- 5.26: after nap H told C: I am Mr. Moon and you are Ms. Crowley."
Douglas Things:
- mama & daddy
- uh oh
- buh bye
- 3.27: pointed at puppy. Said puppy.
- bubbles & blowing bubbles
- climbing the ladder and playing at the park
- words: book, bubble, roar, water (wawa),
- mouth, nose, ears, feet, teeth