Saturday, April 22, 2017

January.February.March. 2017

Wowza is it 2017 already!!!

It is crazy that in a few days we will begin the countdown for the Douglas's first birthday! That is just mind blowing. really mind blowing. I thought it went fat with Harrison but it really flying by with Douglas.

- Harbear is fully into the twos. Man we are riding a roller coaster of emotion these days. There is so much fun that comes with the twos, but it also very exhausting. Harrison really says the darnedest things. I find him continuing to surprise me. Last night (1.17.17) Chris was dealing with a work email and I asked him if he was working. He said yes, and Harrison immediately said, "No you not daddy you at home!" We just had to look at each other and laugh. Come on dude you are two! But you have the comprehension and vocabulary of a 3 year old. I have learned and am continuing to learn a lot about myself as a person through Harrison. He is an amazing boy with his own set of challenges. I have learned in the past few months that he is just a balls to the wall rough and tumble kid. So rather than trying to change who he is, which is not possible and crazy, plus I love him so much just as he is, I am learning to embrace him for him. I am learning how to best support who he is while teaching him the correct ways to go about life. Like I said, I am learning a lot. haha!
- Harrison adores school and his teachers, he has made two very good friends in his class that we see often outside of school. It has been really fun finding mommy friends and kids that are in the same ages and stages as mine.
- Current favorite shows: Peppa Pig & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Occasionally Daniel Tiger. He starting to be able to watch movies and this is fun! Sort of stressful because I am always worrying he is gong to see something that is too rough or teach him something bad. But I guess it is just the start of it. haha!
- "I have good idea!" He just loves to say this! And then it will be something random, like: "I have good idea, tape!" (3.24). 
- Harrison has not been napping, so he has rest time. He got up from rest time on 3.27 and as I was carrying him out. I gave him a kiss and said, "I love you Harrison." He immediately said, "I love you mommy." Oh be still my heart. He has the kindest heart. He may be a bull in a china shop physically and very very loud, but he sure is sweet! 
- 3.29 we went to Harrison's open house at school. It was night of them showing off their most recent work and letting us bring it home. On the way there I asked H what kind of work we would see. He told me "a doll with an orjenge (how he says orange) shirt." I was thinking sure, okay, whatever! Well we walk in and sure enough there were all these dolls made by the kids, I immediately asked his teachers if the one with the orange shirt was his. They said its a guessing game, lets see! Turns out that little HarBear knew exactly what he was talking about. Harrison you continue to surprise me!  

- This little cutie is a pretty cool cat! He really rolls with everything and could not be sweeter. He has a temper, but pretty much only pulls it out when he is hungry. He is also a tough cookies, his older brother who shall remain nameless is quiet rough. We are really working on being gentle and kind (Like Dex the Dragon), but sometimes he is far from it.
- Douglas's words: mama, daddy, puppy, uh-oh, ball, bubble, buh-bye, baseball, & then tons of other things we don't know what he is saying! 
- Signs: milk, more, eat, please
- He can blow his nose if you put a tissue there and say blow
- He has all 8 of the front teeth as well as his 1 year molars. I keep thinking the canines are coming, but who knows. 
- He loves blowing bubbles - meaning he sticks the bubble wand in his mouth and blows
- He is all over the place, doesn't seem to bother him that he isn't walking. He climbs ladders, steps, the wood chips, goes down slides, crawls all over the park. but. won't. walk.

Douglas turned one! What! When did that happen??? Probably sometime when I was slacking in my monthly posts really bad. Hahah! I have all of these organizational goals that I set out to do a little here and there so they don't pile up on me. But I can't seem to follow through with my little goals. I am going to try and make better use of my planner and assign myself jobs at times and see how that goes. Anywaysssss enough about me, on to the real reason you are here: these most amazing little boys of ours!!

February brought Mardi Gras and a trip back home. It was so fun and the boys loved it. Harrison enjoys the parades, but is more interested in having the freedom too move (as in stand on a step ladder rather than be locked into the seat of the leader). This was fine for day parades, but made me not as comfortable for night parades. Douglas however loved everything about Mardi Gras. He was sitting in the ladder clapping, dancing, flirting, smiling, and pointing at everything. Hands down my favorite part (aside from sharing the magic that is MG with my boys) was watching Douglas watch parades. It was just joy, so much joy!

On to my baby turning one!!! Time flew flew flew with Douglas's. I don't know if it is because time is cruel and going faster or maybe it is because it wasn't the first time foe everything so it wasn't so scary? Whatever the reason I love it and hate it. I get so excited for what the next day brings, but I hate that they go so fast. "The days are long and the years are short" is so so so true!

Dear Darling Douglas,

You my little boy are just a delightful guy. You came out smiling and happy. You ask for very little - food, snuggles, and a lot of love. You have always been a pretty decent sleeper and rarely get upset. As you grow older we have found you have a little temper on you and can get really loud really quick. But for the most part you just roll with the punches and do your own thing. You are definitely my little snuggler and very much a mama's boy. You have had begun to have some attachment things happening and cry when we leave you. But you have this amazing big brother who is always looking out for you. Speaking of him, you just adore Harrison. You want to be just like him (besides the walking part of course, you seem to be getting by just fine by crawling). You watch and mimic so much of what H does. Even down to the words he says you do your best to say them too! You are never far from Harrison and I think you both like it just like that. I cannot wait to see this amazing bond continue to grow and develop. It it my hope that by the end of 2017 y'all will be sharing a room. I hope that you always stay who you are my love. You have this infectious smile that sucks everyone in. There has not been anyone who has met you that you haven't charmed. I think we are going to have to keep an eye on you my little turkey. Mommy, Daddy, Harrison, & Puppy just adore you more than words and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you darling! 

Love love love, 
your people 

disclaimer: I half wrote each months post and never finished. As a result they were combo'd into one post and probably doesn't flow all that well. Here is to hoping my new weekly notes to myself help me stay on top of it! 

January Pictures 

February Pictures 

March Photos

I have more pictures to add, I just need to find them. I realize these are very Douglas heavy photos. 
