Monday, October 17, 2016

September 2016

I am just gonna go ahead and be honest, Septembers post got away from me. I started so well and then I did not keep up. So when I was writing Harrison's 2 year post I realized that I never did more with sept than what I jotted down int he first week. So you will have to settle for the very half assed post that this is. I am not even proofreading it. So take it or leave it. 

- Harrison started school! Cottonwood Creek Kid Care! He is in the toddler class with Ms. Mawy & Ms. Jewlie. They said he has been very easy going, always eats everything (shock), very busy, and very talkative. They send little report cards home each day. So far, as of three days in, we have: Day 1 --> no nap, ate everything, easy going & happy Day 2 --> fell asleep at 130 (the teacher apologized, I said no biggie and I thought it was an improvement), ate everything & happy Day 3 --> fell asleep at 110, ate everything, happy, and as a bonus he was busy anddddd they are working on screaming (face in palm.... I guess its a good sign that he is truly comfortable at school, right?) 

- We get these great little reminder texts at the end of the day that tell us a little summary and what we can look forward to learning the next day. Its been great because H tells me every day, "I play with friends and cars. Ms Mawy & Ms. Jewlie." So this lets me get more out of him. Yesterday they read Pete The Cat Wheels On The Bus. So when I asked him if they read that he said, "Doors open shut." And opened and closed his hands like a book. It was really cool to see because I could see the things that he was leaning at school. We read that same book at home, but I have never shown him "open shut" with his hands like that, we usually open and close out fingers (more like flashes). 
- y'all we are a month out from being 2 and I am already over the 2 year age. Goodness me, this kid is tiring. 2 year olds are still babies but very much independent babies.... great combo huh. I am loving watching the knowledge and growth, but having a very hard time loving the sassy-no saying-boundary pushing-little monster stage. I know we will get through and I am already learning a lot about myself as a mother. phew. 


- Poor guy is full on cutting the top 4 teeth. For as easy of a teether as Harrison was, douglas not seem to be. He isn't awful, but he is definitely affected. In his defense though, H never got 4 at once. D is so snotty and drooly, he has had a fever spike once and then it went down. But all he wants is to be held and warn. So mommy is obliging. 

Two Years Too Fast

October 14th, 2016

Today my baby turned two. Wow two years old! It truly has been such a fun journey. We have our amazing moments and crazy awful hard moments with a little of everything in between. I have come to realize that every age has its challenges. But with each challenge I have found that there are 5 amazing and incredible moments of growth and development and just plain awe. I find myself in so much awe at my sweet HarBear. I look at him sometimes and I just think "wow. you are mine. we made you. this incredible. stubborn. spunky. big hearted. sweet. loving. strong-willed. determined. little boy." I just cannot believe we could make something so perfect. I think that the age of two will be one that leaves me wanting to put my head through the wall many times. But I know that it is going to be one that continues to shape me as a mother. This little guy teaches me something everyday and is constantly challenging me to the very best person I could be. It is amazing how when it comes to being something for your children you can do it. You have to do it because it is for them and you do anything and everything for them. 

Harrison has shown me what it means to feel 12 emotions at one time. I look at him some nights as we read our 3 bedtime books and I think "man I truly did not like you today, like more than once today I wanted to shake you and be like whyyyy? But I sure do love you some kind of fierce. Like dude I f-ing love you to pieces." How one little person can brings so much out of me I do not know. I do  know that I just cannot wait to see what this next year of life brings for you Harrison. I just know you will face it head on with as much grace as your little solid body can manage. :) 

Some fun things that you did this year were:
- Start school: Cottonwood Creek Kid Care
- Become the very best big brother to ever exist. I truly have lost my breath on so many occasions watching you interact with Douglas. Even though you tackle and push him. Even though you take his binky. You shine with love for him. The way you look at him. The way he looks at you. It is an incredible bond that I will never understand and I am so humbled to watch. I thank god everyday for giving you this gift. A gift of brotherhood that I hope you always treasure and cherish and love the way you two year old self does. 
- You have grown quite a great group of little friends. I am so happy to see these friendships develop. Some come and go and some stick around. But it sure is fun to watch you find love in so many forms. 
- You have taken a few trips to NOLA and to the Lake. But you also got to take your first beach trip! We went with Raine and Papa to Destin and you loved everything about being a beach babe. 
- Your vocabulary is just mind blowing. You have this incredible comprehension and communication that I find to be brilliant. You really can communicate on so many levels and I love seeing peoples surprise when you speak to them.

(I know I am missing so much. But I truly cannot remember... I need to update more). 

October 15th, 2016

Today we continued to celebrate Harrison. We had a party full of food, friends, and a giant Mickey Playland bounce house play yard thing. It was a great day. Harrison probably had 25 juice boxes, 17 cheese balls and 8 packs of gummies. Who knows what else. Actually I have no idea what he ate at all because I don't keep track when we party. He had a great day and that is all that matters. I am so proud of this sweet life we have made here. We truly are very blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people. I thank God everyday for placing this path (the good and bad) in front of us. Tonight when we put H to bed we asked him if he had a great party. He said, "blew out candles." And then put his arms up and said "Hold Ju." So I gave him a hug and he said, "watch football." As in he does not want to go to bed he wants to go out in the family room and watch football with his peeps. Ha! I admire his style!

Here are a few pictures of his big bday weekend!

The face of the very sweetest 2 year old!

He did not like the pony ride, he did it, but he made sure to let me know he was not cool with it. 

Big brave boy loved the huge slide!

It may have taken be 20 minutes to climb up, but he did it!

A little smooth face picture with my guy!

The face of a very happy 2 year old on his party day!

Cupcake icing rules 

Always a kind sweet boy sharing with his brother. He tackles him plenty, so he at least makes up for it some...