Thursday, September 15, 2016

August 2016

I did so good at keeping up with August as we went, but never posted.... Oops. Well here is what I have got! Bonus I found my font cheat sheet!

- 8.2 officially rolling over. He will only go to his right side. He took his first belly nap and side nap today. He doesn't not know how to get from belly to he back or side though.
- 8.3 adorable selfie talking video (see below). Uncle Oosche pointed out that he does not blink at all during the video.
- We noticed that he was starting to be too much of a busy body to take carseat naps. So we started a schedule of sorts. He seems to be a 145-2.5hr wake time guy. I aim for 2hr from wake up to first nap, and then 2.5 for the next nap (this is our window to leave the house. man i don't miss this. I was so happy when H went to one nap for this reason). and then he takes a third cat nap in the afternoon and that is 2-2.5 hr wake time. So right now his schedule is roughly:
       7: wake 9-10: nap 1 12-1/130/145: nap 2 330/4: cat nap all naps are had in his crib if I can control it, sometimes he falls asleep in his carseat for nap 2's start, and sometimes his catnap is during evening errands. He puts himself to sleep. We read a book, sing our 2 songs and then I lay him down. sometimes he fusses other times not.
- He is pretty solid on nursing every 3hrs, sometimes I can get 4 out of him, but this kids is clearly starving.
- He is seeming to try and transition from 3 to 2 naps. The last few days that he has taken 2 naps, but gotten up early where it would be a lot of awake time before bed, we put him down for a 3rd nap. But he just played in his crib. Today (8.21) he got up at 6, and we went to 8am church so he fell asleep at 9 on the way home. I moved him to his crib and he slept till 10. Then his second nap started at 1 and is currently, at 3:11, still going. This has never happened.
- 8.8 was the first night we did not night nurse and it was also the first night that he got a bedtime book. He pretty much sleeps through them, but they are there. We have gone back and forth and tried different things to find the best routine for D. Whether it is independent of Hs or with him. Ideally we would like them to be together. But Douglas has been waking up at 530 and thats not cool. Anyways we haven't found his perfect timing yet. Keep you posted. One thing is that he goes right to sleep, he doesn't fart around like Harrison does.
- We started solids on Friday August 19th. We did sweet potato, cauliflower, and avocado. He took to it pretty quickly. He is however obsessed with the utensils and plates and cups involved with food. So he will get fits of anger until he gets one. And then ignores food. He is a weirdo. We have done all sorts of veggies, a few fruits, ground turkey, eggs, greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Maybe more, t is hard to remember with this second kids. Things are not documented as well. I can only imagine what it was like for the 8th kid in families. hahahahah

- 8.4 "I talk daddy" on the way to target (of course). I was blown away, and of course we called daddy.
- He is so obsessed (as of 8.4) with this one episode of Dora. He gets to have special time and pick something to watch while I put Douglas down for his naps. He has always been choosing "Dora Soccer" and loves it. He says, "kick it" "block it" "goal!" "We did it!"