19 Month Stats:
- Harrison is definitely cutting the bottom 2 year molars... there are starting to break through. He has had quite a bad diaper rash too. Poor thing!
- Seems he is affected by waking around 545. Most days he goes back to sleep though!
- At his 18m apt the dr told us he is .5 an inch shorter than the average 3 year old
- His info at 18m apt was: 30.6lbs & 36 1/4 inches long
- He is in 2T/3T clothes and size 8 shoe
- He has begun to have quite the vocab! Some of our favorite things to say are: "num on" (come one) "no" "Dougoo" (Douglas) "Daddy" "mommy" "puppy" "boca" "well" (samwell) "seesa" (Celia) "asshole" (outside) "ball" "i 'tuck" (Im stuck) "help" "pease" (please) "up" "on" (for on and off) "a lovey" "a binky" "mishpah" (Mickey Mouse) "wawa" (water) "brush" (hair brush/tooth brush) "Cheech" "Chong" "Rainey/Raine" "iyaaaa!!!" (very loud and screaming - Liuzza. Very often followed by No) "Cawkee" (Coffee) "pup" (pump) "book" (fork/milk/book - must decipher in context) "train" "Carrrrr" "truck!" (the truck is always blue when you ask him what color) "A 'nack! (snack) "rat-a-tat-tat" (this is his word for a drum as well as the action of drumming. Chong taught him to rat-a-tat-tat on his belly). "stinky-pee-yew" (holds his nose. Chichi taught him this).
- almost everything is "A insert word" or "Eh insert word" He likes to put A or Eh infant of everything
- He can mostly get you the letter W (W for wawa - Raine taught him this) when asked, and is starting to be able to get the S. He randomly will tell you a letters name when he finds it. I cannot decide what is just smarts and what is luck. He also knows that H says "Huh"
- He will tell you his name is "Hiss" or "AHin" depending on his mood
- He love to read. Loves cars and trains. Loves balls. Loves water.
- He is starting to like wearing hats (A Hat!)
3 Month Stats:
This kid is a trip! He has the quickest smile I have ever seen and he gives it his all. Eyes get squinty and his mouth gets as wide and gummy as it can. He also wants to be held all the time. The ssecond you set him down he goes, "ahhh" - translate to: why the heck are you putting me down, your soul purpose in life is to carry my chubby butt around! :)
- We started seem class. Bath time babies. And he is a champ! H never fussed once and totally rocked it. No one believed he was only 2m due to size and amount of hair.... story of my life! Or really his life!- My guess is he is weighing about 17lbs right now, but we won't go back until 4m
- We have decided to keep him in the room with us until he is 6m (really agust bc we are traveling so much) & also wait on night weaning until then as well. (more below on my thoughts on night weaning and sleep training Harrison).
Monday June 6th 2016
- Douglas giggled for the first time
- Douglas fed himself his bottle...well he held it for a few minutes
Random Thoughts:
Just in case it is not documented somewhere (because this mommy can't remember), Christopher and I like to choose a song when we bring our babies home... basically we turn the radio on when we turn on to our street and the songs playing currently are what we have to choose from. And then when we pull into the driveway we stick with one!Harrison: Gives You Hell by the All American Rejects
Douglas: Stand By You by Rachel Platten
Funny enough they could not be more fitting. Harrison does in fact give us hell daily, however he is an incredibly sweet little guy. Most of his "hell giving" it pretty entertaining. Headache bringing, but entertaining.
Douglas on the other hand is a gentle little soul that basically just rolls with it. He just wants to see you and he is okay. He prefers to be held, but will be satisfies as long as you remind him you did not leave him. :)
A glimpse into the past:hindsight
Looking back at our forcing Harrison to be done night nursing at 3m, I wish we would have waited. It is amazing that he stepped to the plate and did what we asked of him. But that poor baby needed a little bit more time to night nurse and he wasn't quite ready. I am so proud of him for following through, but seeing Douglas not and knowing what I know, I wish we would not have gone about it at that time. However, you live and you learn and H is amazingly who is is today because of every decision we have made for him and those he has made himself.