Monday, December 28, 2015

Slow Down Mummy....

Soooo A while back my friend Kellie texted this incredibly sweet reminder to essntialy "stop & smell the roses." It is a poem by R. Night and here it is:

Slow down mummy, There is no need to rush
Slow down mummy, what is all the fuss?
Slow down mummy, make yourself a cup of tea.
Slow down mummy, come spend some time with me.
Slow down mummy,  lets pull boots on for a walk, lets kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
Slow down mummy, you look ever so tired, come and sit and snuggle under the duvet, and rest with me for a while.
Slow down mummy, those dirty dishes can wait, Slow down mummy, lets have some fun - bake a cake!
Slow down mummy, I know you work a lot, but sometimes mummy, its nice when you just stop.
Sit with us a minute,
and listen to our day,
spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood won't stay.

Y'all. This poem really sticks with me. It is constantly popping into my mind at random times just when I need it. It always brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart. It paints a very sweet picture of just how to enjoy those moments with your babies. Yes you will always make more memories but they will never be as young, innocent, or little as they are right this second.

I very much had a moment like this today and that is what sparked this post and then reminded me that my baby boy is 14 months old today!

Harrison has been up and down with sleep for the last week thanks to the bottom molars making their appearance. Knock on wood it has not been an awful ride, but he hasn't been quiet himself. Anyway today he woke up after an hour and 15 minutes of nap (he is a solid 2 hour napper). I found myself getting frustrated as I watched him on the monitor, pleading with him, "just lay back down and settle in." He did not. After 5 minutes of sitting and crying and staring at the door I decided he may just need me. he may not. but I went in anyway. As soon as I picked him up he snuggled his head into my neck and stopped crying. He just wanted mommy, he just wanted to be held. So I sat in the rocker and held my baby as he slept for another 30 minutes to round out his nap. For the first 5 minutes I thought, "I need to be folding laundry, washing dishes, getting things ready for book club (which I am hosting in a few short hours), and the list goes on."

Well then, just when I most needed it, that sweet poem popped into my mind. It reminded me that he will not always want to snuggle me. Lets be real, he rarely sits still enough for a hug. So I am going to sit here as long as he wants. No matter how bad my back hurts, no matter that my arm is falling asleep, no matter that my neck is sweating where his sweet head rests, & mostly no matter that the world keeps turning as we just sit. I made a vow to myself, which is not always easy to keep.

Friday, December 4, 2015

13 Months (Toddler Life) & 27 weeks (pregnancy life)

It is hard to believe that I have a toddler! I still find myself in awe from time to time. However emotional the life of a toddler is, it is that much more amazing and excitement. Everything seems to be a new discovery, a new skill, a new adventure. Don't get me wrong having a toddler (who I will forever call my baby) is a headache and handful in itself. The things that Harrison gets into blows my mind. We were very strategic in planning for a baby when we bought furniture and such. So we have since changed out outlet covers and baby proofed certain drawers and cabinets. But I feel very strongly that I want H to have as much freedom (in the safest way possible of course) as we can give him. We have a few "open" cabinets and drawers that contain nothing harmful. But it is exhausting to constantly have brushes or cutting boards strewn across your house. Because naturally we can't contain the fun to one area. So I have adopted the motto of leave it until the end of the day or pick it up as I go, depending on how pregnant I feel at the moment. He will help clean up to an extent and really enjoys being a helper. But the process of a getting something 100% clean has not sunken in for him yet.
The most amazingly frustrating and amazingly incredible part of having a toddler is their communication. H wants to and does tell you exactly what he wants. He has so many "words" some of which you know, most of which you don't. We are walking a tightrope, if you will, when it comes to communication these days. We strive to give Harrison has many words as we can. We want to help him walk though his emotions and support him when he is angry, upset, & frustrated. So everyday we work together as a family to help our son communicate with words and signs rather than whines and temper tantrums. Sometimes we succeed and other times not so much. But we have seen such a growth in his vocabulary and communication so something must be clicking!

Some of Harrison's communication words/signs are:
- Water = "wuh"
- More = quick claps
- Up = reaching or "puh" (we are really trying to stress this on instead of whining and reaching)
- Eat = hand to mouth
- Milk = "muh" "mmmm" or opening and closing fist
- Puppy = puppa
- Daddy = Dada or Da
- Mommy = Ma or Mama or Mameee

He also says "me me me" mostly when he is complaining and "no" we are not sure he really knows what no means. However he will put a piece of food up to Liuzza's nose and say "no no no"

Baby J #2 update!

Woah, 27 weeks! I can't believe it! I will be honest with y'all, this week I have legit felt pregnant too. I haven't been feeling pregnant and all of a sudden bam, I feel it. I am hoping it is just due to our being out of town and not sleeping well and having to keep up with H as well as traveling. I also have not been to yoga in a week. But I am definitely needing to embrace the comfy pregnancy pants and stop trying to squeeze into my sweat pants. I for sure looks ay more pregnant with this one. I go this week for my 28 week checkup and I think this may be my last 4week gap and then we move to 2weeks between apts. Crazy! I imagine we set up a date for my c section soon. Not gonna lie I am not looking forward to this.... The idea of choosing my baby's birthday just seems to bizarre to me. I sort of hope we just go due date and thats that. It is on my agenda to get the house in shape and go to be early every night as well as get in as many yoga classes and walks as I can. Hoping that will return to be to my "pregnant, but don't feel super pregnant" state!

Pregnancy goal: conduct my own yin practice at home. Even if it is just 10-20m and a few poses. I need to get back to moving everyday like I did with H. I just need to make the time now that I had so freely before. :)

side note.... since typing the above I am now 28 weeks and have officially popped! whah nelly!
when food gets so fun it is on your forehead

byes going on a trip!

seriously. this. was.all.for. Thanksgivmikah

Mexican family night out to diner! Got to meet cousin Eloise!

gobble gobble 


When you have an aspiring chef on your hands...

oh christmas tree! Picking out our tree

28 weeks what!?!

broom obseesed