I am pre-apologizing for the length of this blog post. Having this new beautiful computer at my fingertips allows me to quickly add a little story whenever I can. So now my posts are not scrambling to remember, I can just type as they happen. I hope I don't bore you to tears with the lengthy post!
Nap Training Round One
Monday May 18th 9:28am...
Sooooo Harrison and I have gotten into a routine where we read a book, sing twinkle twinkle little start, then hum TTLS and amazing grace, and then I rock him until he is asleep and then into his crib he goes. Well we decided he is 7m now and he should put himself down for a nap, I do not want to start a bad routine. He puts himself to sleep every night just fine, he is wide awake when we leave his room and then he goes to sleep, why not naps!! Game Plan made, so now the day has come and we are gonna do this thing! We read a book, then I put him in his crib, pat his back and sing. Then I tell him I love him, have a great nap and I will see you when you wake up. Easy Peasy! bam! We have got this! He doesn't cry, just watches me leave, then plays around for 7 mins and starts to get a little fussy. He sits up quite gracefully and is looking around his crib. Okay, okay son I am watching you. Well that little stinker decided he was going to learn to pull himself up to standing. So today of all days he learns to stand in his crib!! He is tall enough that the rail hits at his belly and he is in prime toppling over position. Needless to say we will be lowering the crib tonight. So nap #1 ended with me rocking him to sleep.... Mommy: 0 Harrison: 1
Nose/Shin Collision
Wednesday May 20th (early evening)
First (and certainly not last) bloody nose! Harrison has become quite fluent in going from hands and knees to seated and vice verse. Well I squatted down and undressed him on his foam tiles so we could get ready for bath. As I stood up he decided he wanted to be picked up. In order to inform me of said "want" he went from sitting to hands and knees to attempted crawl in all of 2.2 seconds. The end result: his face + my shin = Harrison's first bloody nose. He was more upset by the nose cleaning process then he was the actually bloody nose. HashtagBoyMom. If we had any doubt he was all boy, well here it is folks, here.it.is.
Crawling Clifford
Monday May 25th at 5:15pm (Memorial Day)
Harrison decided he wanted to celebrate those that serve and have served our country by crawling for the first time. After an entire weekend of everyone coaxing him to crawl at the lake, he decided he would come home and show everyone he was just pulling their leg. He straight up crawled like he's been doing it forever! It was wild! What a big proud boy! Then just when you get used to the idea that your baby is mobile, he goes over to our coffee table (which is an ottoman) and pulls himself to standing. What!?!? One happily and excitedly overwhelmed mommy right here! Video evidence below!
Nap Training Round Two
Tuesday May 26th 9am
Well I decided today would be the second go. We are home for two weeks without a trip, so I have the time for consistency. Game On sir, game on! So I set my mind to it, then changed it, then set it, then changed it, basically up until 5 minutes before I put him down I wasn't sure what to do. Then I made a decision (trying very hard to make decisions these days and not worry so much about the other choice or what will happen, just make the choice and be okay with it. Thank you favorite father in law for the push). Well anyways I decided we would read a book, then I would sing one round of twinkle twinkle little star then off the crib Harrison goes. So I put him down I sing another round of TTLS and the only verse of Amazing Grace I know (note to self, learn more lyrics). I covered him with his blanket and attempted back patting while he was like uhhhh mom I am sitting up. Then I told him, "I love you, have a good nap, I will see you when you wake up." Then I left. I left. I closed the door and left my wide awake little daredevil to put himself to sleep. He did great for 7 minutes, he stood and hung his head over the crib, threw his binky over then watched it. Then he got bored and started to cry. I gave him the predetermined 5 mins and then went in. I gave him his binky, gave him his lovies, covered him up and pat his back for 50 counts. He didn't fight or move, I left. He sat right back up and fussed. He cried for 5 more minutes then laid down and went to sleep! Just like that my sweet little rocking boy showed mommy whats up. It took all of 10 minutes on and off of crying, 7 minutes of playing, and the boy was out. Nap time start 9:17am, I am writing this at 10:38am and he is still a sleepy bear! I am gonna give this point to Team Janes! Again and again my sweet boy amazes me. Give him a task and he finds a way to figure it out. And I know that every nap, every day, every event won't always be like this, but I am taking it a day at a time and loving every second of being Harrison's mommy!
Wednesday June 10th at 3:45pm
Harrison went under water and swam for the first time!!! "1000 one" is the count and each week we will add to it. He did great, didn't freak at all! It was awesome, he smiled and had huge eyes and just love it. Kept hopping in and going for it. Now we need to work on his kicking! (side note: we went to the gym pool and he was not a fan of the idea of plopping in like at Emler. I sat him on the side and he whined. I am interested to see what happens at swim on Wednesday).
Stats & Fun Facts:
- Harrison cut the top two teeth, they are this big ole goofy things
- The two vampire teeth are coming through too, all of a sudden!
- Graduated to the big boy carseat
- Gained a new baby cousin! Lilian Louise Janes was born on Wednesday June 3rd at 10:34pm. She was 35 weeks and weighed in at 7lb 1oz. She is perfection!
- He has 5 teeth, working on his 6th
- He is a crawling maniac
- Pulling up on everything. everything.
- 2nd bloody nose in the books
All in all I'd say this month was another for the record books. Y'all I am already thinking about his first birthday. His.First.Birthday!?!?!?! WHAT!?
First successful back put on and carry! Didn't drop the babe! |
What the heck are these snakes!? |
Lilian Louise you sweet little lovey! I am so glad you are here!! |
Godfather Uncle Stinky double time duty |
Lovin' life with my Cheech |
Lily's bday weekend! |
Check out ma new bag y'all! Ready for gym care! |
Genius or lucky? |
First time under water! |
First cheeto! |
Big boy carseat |
doin' how I do at the poo. Eating sunscreen and being' coo! |
Nectarine eating like a big boy! I cut a piece to give him a start and he rocked it! Next time I won't be cutting a piece! |
Begin the 8 Month photo shoot |
Crawling babe!! First official crawl (well second, the first happened two seconds before this and only Christopher got to see it!) |
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