Harrison is officially moving from being a newborn to a baby! It is crazy and amazing and so fun to watch! Everyday there is a new discovery, a new challenge, & a new accomplishment! I cannot even express how exciting it makes me to see my baby grow and develop a little bit every day. Month three was a big one for H (You'll notice I often refer to Harrison as H these days).
Since my time to sit and do things for more than ten minutes at a time is pretty non-existent these days I shall fill you in via list!
Here it is:
- He pretty consistently sleeps from 6:30-2/3. Nurses then is back in his crib in 20 mins then sleeps til 7/730.
- He slept "through the night" for the first time on Christmas Eve. From 9pm-7am
- 12.28.14 was his first time in his own room in his crib!
- 1.4.14 H found his feet on a nice cozy Sunday morning when we were having family time in bed before church. On the weekends when H wakes up Christopher goes and gets him and lets the dog out of her kennel and we all sit in bed and chat for a few minutes before we get up.
- He is a drooling spit bubble making machine!!!We think he has begun to teethe.
- He has begun to enjoy his bumbo. He must be squeezed in and out due to his massive thighs, but he enjoys it!
- 1.11.14 he has his first real laugh!! We were undressing him and singing to him to get him ready for his bath and he let out this adorable giggle!!
- 1.12.14 he rolled over for the first time! twice!! Both to his left. He has since rolled over many times to his left and a few times to his right. Chong thinks he will be left handed. He may be on to something!!
- Harrison flew for the first time!! And he rocked it! He slept the whole time on the way to Nola and then he was awake for takeoff on the flight back to Dallas, but quickly fell asleep. He was a super trooper!!! Funny antidote, H chose to have a gigantic poop just as the doors are about to close. So Christopher and I just stared at each other like what do we do.... it was on the verge of leaking out kind of big! Fortunately the plane was not crowded and we had the middle seat to use as a changing table. So we quickly changed him and put him back in my Sakura and rocked another parental challenge!!
- He attended his first wedding! Uncle Ryan and Aunt Maurie got married in Lafayette.
- He attended his first baby shower for Aunt Ruth and the twins!
- He met and got loved on by so many people when we were in New Orleans for his first time! It really made me feel so amazed to see just how much this sweet little is loved. He is so lucky, we are so lucky to have such incredible people in our lives!
- He attended his first Christmas Eve mass and enjoyed his first Christmas!
- He got to meet his namesake: Uncle Chris!
- Harrison went to the track and watched the horsies for the first time!
- We enjoyed out first NYE as a family of three. We went to the Lee's house and hung in there until 1am! wowza! H slept on me the whole time!
- He loves love loves his bath time! Aunt Teeta got him a new bathtub and it has made his bathtime so amazing! Thanks T!
- We are killing tummy time!!
- Liuzza celebrated her first birthday!
- Drumrolllll: Harrison's baby cousins were born!! On January 12th! Adele Mireille & Louis Boudreaux Accardo! Sweet babycakes! We flew to NOLA to see and meet them and it was amazing!
Those are all the things my mommy brain can think of! I try to make a note every time something happens. But I am sure we missed something!! It is amazing to watch this little guy grow and change!! As always pictures to be attached below!!
Some of my mommy goals:
- Keep track of pictures in order to make a year scrapbook. There is a great mashup of pictures from months 1 & 2 and I can only distinguish some of them to where they belong.
- Naps in his crib! SideNote: he has napped in his crib twice today. Once for 40 mins and once for 20 mins. Butttt that is technically in his 4th month, so that will be for the next post!
faces, faces, faces |
.JPG) |
Fam photo at Uncle Ryan and Aunt Maurie's wedding! Besides the first 15 mins of the wedding, when I was a reader, H was an angel! |
Road Trippin' from Lafayette to NOLA |
I mean.... hahaha! Photo booth at the wedding |
Aunt Amanda's bday dinner at the Hester Hilton. Met lots of family for the first time! |
faces, faces, more faces! |
Aunt Ruth's baby shower! Clearly amused by his bubble! |
Happy tummy timer! |
Love this face! |
Christmas Eve before mass |
Merry Christmas!! First family photo at Christmas! |
Christmas Day! |
Many of the awesome people who came to visit H! |
A Daddy and his boy! |
More awesome people! |
more more more awesome people! |
Harrison and Christopher and their namesake - Uncle Chris! |
Being silly in our morning bumbo sesh |
New Years Eve! |
Tummy Time puppy cuddle sesh |
Bath time baby! |
Liuzza is 1!! |
Watching sister eat her bday cake toy |
Morning bumbo sesh s'more |
Just reading Little Blue Truck |
Yoga with mommy! |
First plane trip! He rocked it! |
Meeting cuzzies - Adele and Louis for the first time!!! |
My 3 month photoshoot!!! He is very much into eating his hands these days... |