Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 24: Preggies Update!

It is my goal to AT LEAST be able to post a weekly pregnancy update! I have far from exceeded my goals as a "blogger" and hope to change my tune! I gave my blog a face lift so I need to seriously use it!

Here is a small photo snippet of my pregnancy so far. I have been taking pictures each week, but they were more for my records and such than anything. I figured I can post a baby "bump" (if you can even call my belly that) picture every week or so. One thing I have realized is that I had done a very good job losing weight before I got pregnant, so pat on the back to me! 
These six photos are from weeks - 10wks, 18wks, 20wks, 21wks, 22wks & 23wks 

Week:  24 Weeks!

Weight Gain: It changes, I am at about 15-18 now. I gained only 3 lbs in my first trimester. So all my weight has been gained right here in good ole numba dos.

Maternity Clothes: I bought my first maternity pants. Both skinny jeans, one dark denim and one pinky/coral. I so love the over belly fabric. These suckers are comfy!! I have been good with all my other clothes so far. However I feel the pressure from many of my workout/yoga pants. So I may be investing in a few more pairs of those. Just go up a size or look for a stretchy band. 

Wedding Ring On/Off: On and feeling fab!

Workout: This week was so so. Yoga 4 times and spin twice. 

Sleeping: I basically wake up at every noise, not new! However I get up to pee 3/4 times a night. I have some really good nights sleeps and others not so much. I am recovering from Titine & Rachel's wedding weekend. Meaning it will take me a week to not feel like a zombie....

Weekly Highlight: hmmmm I still cant get over feeling Baby J! I love every wave and pulse! I cant wait for HubsMan to get to feel him!

Stretch Marks: none that I can tell. I have always had some because my weight has always been a yo-yo. But none that seem to be a result of pregnancy. I put Burt's Bees Mama (lemon & vitamin E oil) on each night and Palmers Stretch Mark lotion on each morning. 

Cravings/Food Things: Nothing that stands out. I have been on a large carbo kick since day one of pregnancy. That is still going strong. I eat a lot of eggs & avocado on toast! I guess I have been on an Annies Fruit Snacks kick & I recently discover Plum Organic Go Bars... LOVE THEM!

Labor Signs: Negative and lets hope it stays that way for many a week!

Missing Anything In Particular This Week: always missing sushi, but nothing particular standing out. 

Weekly Mood: Tired this week! And frustrated because of the puppies recovery from being spayed... Not sure that is a pregnancy thing though

Whatcha Looking Forward Too: Having the full on preggies belly! I want the basketball!! I am still in that phase where if you don't know I am pregnant you are not sure.... I could just be fat

This Weeks Bonus Questions:
Belly Button Popped: Nope

Gender: It is a BOY! We found out at 20 weeks. We are gonna keep his name a secret though!

Thats all for now! I hope to consistently report back each week! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Slacker Status No More!!! (hopefully....)

Sooooo it appears as with many projects in my life, I began strong and fizzled out. Hence why I havent had a post since October  2013. And what a shame I let that happen too! There have been so many exciting things to report on the Janes front! So with this post I shall update about life and the exciting happenings, and then I hope to blog weekly.... I mean I am pregnant, so a weekly update is a must right!?!

Wellll here are the major life events of the Janes Family since October 2013:
- I sucessfully (we think) had hip surgery. At my 6 week check up all looked well. I definately feel much better.  I still have pain here and there, but I think that may be part of the package.
- We finally got our furbaby: Liuzza Nashville Janes!
- My blog got a face lift! Thank you Pink Loves Gold!!
- We have celebrated many weddings with those we love!
- We have welcome many friends babies into the world!
- We celebrated our first year of marriage and our first year of being homeowners!
- Andddd Drumroll please.... We are expecting our first little bundle October 5th! He is going to be so loved!!!

There is a quick update, and a step in the direction of getting my foot back in the door of blogging. I hope to give a weekly update on my pregnancy (pictures included, beware) if I can figure out how to correctly use my blog and its pages!